Transferring Logins to a new server

  • We will shortly install our database on a brand new server. What is the most reliable method of moving the logins from the old to the new server?

  • Hi Stefan,


    We will shortly install our database on a brand new server. What is the most reliable method of moving the logins from the old to the new server?

    what about using the Transfer Login Task in a DTS package?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Does this mean that if I use the DTS wizard to export from a source database to a destination database on a new server, and select the "copy objects & data between SQL Server databases", this will also take the logins from the MASTER. Does this also mean I won't have any problem with orphaned logins?

  • Hi Stefan,


    Does this mean that if I use the DTS wizard to export from a source database to a destination database on a new server, and select the "copy objects & data between SQL Server databases", this will also take the logins from the MASTER. Does this also mean I won't have any problem with orphaned logins?

    I've never had orphaned logins, but I guess you might have to handle this manually after transferring. If I remember right, there are scripts here on the site that could do this for you.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Before I transfer/copy/restore any database to another server I always use the following to generate sql to create login(s). This makes sure that the sid is the same so that all the user permissions tie up.

    select 'sp_addlogin '''+name+''',@sid=',sid from syslogins where name = 'username'

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I would use sp_help_revlogin. Here is a KB about that sp.;en-us;246133

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • I usually store the result of the following query in a table.

    Select name, CONVERT (VARBINARY (32), password) from master..syslogins where name in (Select name from Dbname.sysusers where uid <> 0)

    and use the following to create and fix the logins

    Select name, CONVERT (VARBINARY (32), password) from master..syslogins where name in (Select name from Dbname.sysusers where uid <> 0)

    DECLARE Login_Cur1 CURSOR FOR Select Col001,Col002 from <New_Table_Name >

    Declare @User Varchar(255),

    @Passwd Varchar(255)

    Open Login_Cur1

    FETCH NEXT FROM Login_Cur1 INTO @User,@Passwd

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    Print 'EXEC sp_addlogin ' + "'" + @User + "' " + ", " + @Passwd + " , " + '@encryptopt = ' + "'" + 'skip_encryption' + "'"

    Print 'Go'

    FETCH NEXT FROM Login_Cur1 INTO @User,@Passwd


    Close Login_Cur1

    Deallocate Login_Cur1


    DECLARE Login_Curr CURSOR FOR Select Col001,Col002 from

    <New_Table_Name >

    Declare @User Varchar(255),

    @Passwd Varchar(255)

    Open Login_Curr

    FETCH NEXT FROM Login_Curr INTO @User,@Passwd

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    Print "sp_change_users_login @Action = 'Update_One', @UserNamePattern = " + "'" + @User + "', " + "@LoginName = " + "'" + @User + "'"

    Print 'Go'

    FETCH NEXT FROM Login_Curr INTO @User,@Passwd


    Close Login_Curr

    Deallocate Login_Curr



  • Many thanks for the replies.

  • Just to make sure I understand, Frank says "I've never had orphaned logins". Does this mean the logins transfer OK if the SID does not already exist on the destination server?

  • Stefan,

    I agree with Greg Larsen. I have used the sp_help_revlogin procedure several times in the past and it works well. The link he posted from MS (article Q246133) is very easy to follow and works well. Good luck!

    Dave Gradoville, MCDBA

  • If your not doing anything with the old server. Stop the services and grab master mdf and ldf and then stop sql on the new server and swap out master. Just have to make sure the files are in the same locations.

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