The Best of 2002

  • Thanks for the commments and glad to see there is interest.

    We hadn't planned on a CD due to cost, but we can work on that. Most likely we'll have downloads for the book, need to check on the CD cost.

    As far as typos, we'll take a look at the effort to go back through the articles. Probably won't edit the comments, but we can try to fix incorrect items in the articles.

    I know lots of you are techies and would like a quick e-book you can search. Probably do that after we drop the printed book becauase as Andy mentioned, we don't want to lose a bunch of money on the printed book. Sorry to have to choose, but this is our first try and will require a decent investment from us. If it goes well, we'll probably do more e-books along with printed books. We felt that most people prefer a printed book. I know I do.

    Thanks again for the feedback and look for the book soon.

    Steve Jones

  • Excellent idea. I was wondering if this effort will be an ongoing project. I read, and learn tons, something new in SQL Server Central quite often.

    Copyrights, read proofing, etc is part of the project and will be one of the task in hand to complete a good edition (cd included please) Thmbs UP!!

    I would like to see something like an annual edition to continue the learning process, which by the way never ends in this tech world.

    Good luck and count with my vote, buying my copy, and support!!

  • Good Idea. But $15 means it would be more cost in India currency.


  • I find it a lot easier to remember where something is in a book on my shelf than trying to search a web site to find the article I read umpteen months ago. I'll buy one!

    Bryant E. Byrd, MCDBA

    SQL Server DBA/Systems Engineer

    Intellithought, Inc.

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog

  • We are thinking of doing this annually. Love to let you choose the articles, but the cost would be too high, well above $15.

    Initially, this will be a US only item. We'll try to get it on Amazon or BN later, but the cost will likely be in the US$25 range.

    Alternatively, we may look at shipping overseas for the increased postage.

    Steve Jones

  • I think making a book out of articles is a good idea and I would consider buying one. It could also generate added insentive for people to submit articles and put more time in them in the hopes that their articles would see print as well as on line publication.

    Robert W. Marda

    SQL Programmer

    The world’s leading capital markets contact database and software platform.

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

  • Save the trees. Keep the content properly indexed and easy to find on the website. The only good thing paper is for is wiping your U-know-what.


  • Good idea. I would like to get rid of some of the stacks of paper I have around here.

    Dennis Murphy

  • Publishing the material is a definite 5 star idea.

    Having authored a bit of doc over the last years (and I have the same affection for doc as the rest of you!) I also have a great deal of respect for the daunting task of bring doc into a common format let alone grammatical proofing.

    I would vote for a PDF format (We can all burn CDs). However, the format chosen by you guys will be much better than no format at all. I think as everyone should keep that in mind.

    SSC saves me a great deal of time. I am a DBA for DB2, Oracle and SQL Sever. The content of this site (along with a few other choice links, mostly obtained here) has been a great assistance to me. In many cases my research time is dramatically reduced.



  • Great idea, and a good price too.

    While I like the search capabilities that a Ebook would give, it's nice to have something in hand. If nothing else, it gives me something to slam down on the desk when frustration gets the better of me!

  • Thanks for those notes. I think we may do an e-book at some time if the print thing goes well. Understand both sides and perhaps we can work something out for those that purchase the print book to get the e-book as well.

    Steve Jones

  • Good idea.


    Thomas LeBlanc, MVP Data Platform Consultant

  • Love the idea of a printed book. I stare at the monitor way too long any given day.

    Will definitely buy the book.


  • I would buy the book.

  • Steve,

    Great idea.

    I too would like to have printed material to review.

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