Table Variable as SP Parameter?

  • Can I use a table variable to pass several similar values into the Stored Procedure? What do I pass as a parameter then if calling an SP from ADO?

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • You can't.  Check out this post, about 3 below yours:

  • >>to pass several similar values

    Do you mean an "array" that may have a variable number of "rows" ?

    You can pass it as XML and use OpenXML inside the SP to join the XML to other SQL tables.


  • Yes, that exactly what I mean. One of the developers would like to pass several similar values as many as the user selects and then say:  where something in (value1,value2,value3...) He was thinking along the lines of passing as one string but I told him he would have to parse it.

    I was thinking that maybe he should to truncate and populate a temp table or actual table with user-selected values and then say: where something in (select field1 from mytable) but decided to check table vars

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Hi,

    Thanks all for the ideas and links, I checked these and forwarded to the developer. I also tested and told him that if he uses a dynamic string with the whole query as a string in SP and a list of values as a parameter in the format 'value1,value2,....' and then in SP concatenates these 2 and use sp_executesql it works. The only thing that as a DBA I don't like concatenating several values into one.


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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