T-SQL took more than 45 minutes, and it still Executing query

  • My tables as following,



    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] Script Date: 05/13/2012 08:39:07 ******/





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota](

    [idx] [int] NOT NULL,

    [iptsIdx] [int] NULL,

    [kursusIdx] [int] NULL,

    [mRemaining] [int] NULL,

    [fRemaining] [int] NULL,



    [idx] ASC




    [iptsIdx] ASC,

    [kursusIdx] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] Script Date: 05/13/2012 08:39:07 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xtApplicantApply](

    [applicantIdx] [int] NULL,

    [jantina] [char](1) NULL,

    [iptsIdx] [int] NULL,

    [kursusIdx] [int] NULL,

    [Rnk] [int] NULL,

    [Processed] [int] NULL,



    [applicantIdx] ASC,

    [iptsIdx] ASC,

    [kursusIdx] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tbl_MST_Penempatan] Script Date: 05/13/2012 08:39:07 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_MST_Penempatan](

    [idx] [int] NULL,

    [tbl_MST_Pemohon_idx] [int] NULL,

    [tbl_DirKursus_Jurisdiction_idx] [int] NULL,

    [noAkaunPelajar] [varchar](12) NULL,

    [noAkaunBank] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [statusDaftar] [int] NULL,

    [tagTerimaTawaran] [bit] NULL,

    [tagCetakSuratTawaran] [bit] NULL,

    [tkhCetakSuratTawaran] [datetime] NULL,

    [tkhDaftar] [datetime] NULL,

    [tkhTerimaTawaran] [datetime] NULL,

    [noResitBayaran] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [tagDokumenLengkap] [bit] NULL,

    [ciptaOleh] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [TkhCipta] [datetime] NULL,

    [editOleh] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [tkhEdit] [datetime] NULL,



    [tbl_MST_Pemohon_idx] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    My xtApplicantQuota data have 187 rows, and the data as following,

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] Script Date: 05/13/2012 08:42:03 ******/

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483639, 22, 155, 13, 27)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483638, 23, 155, 52, 98)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483637, 24, 155, 38, 42)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483636, 20, 155, 21, 59)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483635, 34, 155, 12, 28)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483634, 22, 157, 29, 61)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483633, 22, 172, 13, 27)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483632, 34, 171, 12, 28)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483631, 21, 100, 20, 30)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483630, 20, 100, 20, 55)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483629, 21, 99, 20, 30)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483628, 20, 99, 26, 74)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483627, 22, 99, 13, 27)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483626, 24, 99, 38, 42)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483625, 21, 113, 20, 30)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483624, 23, 107, 52, 98)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483623, 34, 142, 25, 55)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483621, 21, 173, 31, 49)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483620, 23, 160, 26, 49)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483611, 2, 143, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483610, 2, 156, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483609, 2, 158, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483608, 2, 146, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483607, 2, 139, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483606, 2, 130, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483605, 2, 131, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483604, 2, 138, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483603, 12, 223, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483602, 12, 220, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483601, 12, 222, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483600, 12, 219, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483599, 12, 221, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483598, 13, 200, 15, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483597, 13, 201, 15, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483596, 13, 202, 15, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483595, 13, 199, 15, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483594, 13, 198, 15, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483593, 11, 186, 16, 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483592, 11, 185, 16, 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483591, 11, 183, 16, 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483590, 11, 187, 16, 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483589, 11, 184, 16, 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483587, 9, 175, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483586, 9, 176, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483585, 9, 177, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483584, 9, 178, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483583, 9, 179, 5, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483582, 7, 181, 20, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483581, 7, 180, 15, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483580, 14, 206, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483579, 14, 207, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483578, 14, 208, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483577, 14, 210, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483576, 14, 209, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483575, 15, 211, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483574, 15, 212, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483573, 15, 213, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483572, 15, 214, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483571, 15, 215, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483570, 16, 216, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483569, 16, 217, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483568, 16, 218, 10, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483567, 16, 182, 14, 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483566, 17, 188, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483565, 17, 189, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483564, 17, 190, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483563, 17, 192, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483562, 18, 193, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483561, 18, 194, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483560, 18, 195, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483559, 18, 196, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483558, 18, 197, 15, 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483557, 8, 229, 32, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483556, 7, 229, 32, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483555, 10, 229, 32, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483554, 6, 110, 20, 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483552, 36, 236, 10, 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483551, 36, 247, 40, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483550, 36, 232, 16, 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483549, 37, 242, 20, 20)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483548, 37, 238, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483547, 37, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483546, 37, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483545, 37, 239, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483544, 37, 241, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483543, 37, 247, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483542, 36, 238, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483541, 40, 224, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483540, 40, 228, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483539, 40, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483538, 40, 245, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483537, 35, 248, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483536, 35, 241, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483535, 35, 238, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483534, 35, 242, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483533, 35, 249, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483532, 35, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483531, 35, 240, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483530, 35, 250, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483529, 35, 231, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483528, 36, 224, NULL, NULL)


    print 'Processed 100 total records'

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483527, 36, 228, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483526, 36, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483525, 36, 240, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483524, 7, 228, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483523, 7, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483522, 7, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483521, 7, 236, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483520, 7, 233, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483519, 7, 232, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483517, 7, 239, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483516, 7, 251, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483515, 7, 247, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483514, 7, 237, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483513, 8, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483512, 8, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483511, 8, 237, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483510, 8, 239, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483508, 8, 246, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483507, 8, 247, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483506, 8, 240, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483505, 37, 224, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483504, 37, 245, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483503, 37, 248, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483502, 37, 252, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483501, 37, 250, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483500, 37, 249, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483499, 37, 235, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483498, 38, 238, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483497, 38, 241, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483496, 38, 242, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483495, 38, 249, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483494, 39, 224, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483493, 39, 245, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483492, 39, 248, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483491, 39, 242, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483490, 39, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483489, 39, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483488, 39, 238, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483487, 39, 231, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483486, 39, 236, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483485, 39, 249, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483484, 39, 239, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483483, 39, 247, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483482, 39, 227, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483481, 39, 241, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483480, 41, 238, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483479, 41, 240, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483478, 41, 233, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483477, 41, 235, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483476, 41, 247, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483475, 41, 237, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483474, 10, 227, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483473, 10, 225, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483472, 10, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483471, 10, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483470, 10, 237, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483469, 10, 182, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483468, 10, 239, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483467, 10, 245, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483466, 10, 247, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483465, 42, 224, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483464, 42, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483463, 42, 242, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483462, 42, 241, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483461, 42, 240, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483460, 42, 245, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483459, 43, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483458, 43, 240, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483457, 43, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483456, 43, 243, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483455, 43, 244, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483454, 43, 235, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483453, 43, 231, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483450, 44, 267, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483449, 44, 268, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483448, 44, 269, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483447, 44, 256, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483446, 44, 257, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483445, 24, 170, 38, 42)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483444, 23, 167, 26, 49)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483443, 1, 270, 75, 125)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483442, 9, 271, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483441, 40, 230, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483440, 41, 234, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483439, 17, 191, NULL, NULL)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantQuota] ([idx], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [mRemaining], [fRemaining]) VALUES (-2147483438, 10, 226, NULL, NULL)

    My xtApplicantApplydata have 41450 rows, and the data as following,

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] Script Date: 05/13/2012 08:45:27 ******/

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483512, N'L', 9, 175, 6428, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483512, N'L', 9, 176, 21021, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483512, N'L', 9, 177, 29420, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483512, N'L', 9, 178, 34401, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483508, N'L', 12, 222, 6049, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483506, N'L', 2, 158, 29244, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483506, N'L', 9, 177, 7328, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483506, N'L', 9, 178, 16291, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483506, N'L', 17, 190, 33942, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483505, N'L', 9, 177, 6508, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483505, N'L', 16, 182, 21769, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483504, N'P', 12, 219, 35431, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483504, N'P', 12, 221, 6503, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483504, N'P', 22, 157, 31381, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483504, N'P', 23, 107, 21358, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483502, N'P', 20, 99, 13185, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483502, N'P', 34, 142, 23357, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483498, N'L', 7, 181, 9263, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483498, N'L', 7, 228, 28997, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483498, N'L', 39, 224, 19751, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483497, N'P', 2, 138, 33872, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483497, N'P', 21, 99, 11274, 0)

    INSERT [dbo].[xtApplicantApply] ([applicantIdx], [jantina], [iptsIdx], [kursusIdx], [Rnk], [Processed]) VALUES (-2147483497, N'P', 22, 157, 31210, 0)

    /*and so on ......*/

    What I want to do?

    1. Each data in xtApplicantApply need to be processed based on the data in xtApplicantQuota

    2. Each data in xtApplicantApply will be processed by priority. The priority based on xtApplicantApply(Rnk) --- ORDER BY Rnk

    3. The lowest Rnk is the strongest priority

    4. If their condition is the same, the formula is first come first serve

    5. Any data in xtApplicantApply those meet the requirement based on the data in xtApplicantQuota, it will be inserted into tbl_MST_Penempatan

    6. If any applicantIdx HAS GAINED A PROGRAM - xtApplicantQuota(idx), others data in xtApplicantApply do not need to be further processed. So, the quota is NOT TAKEN and WILL GIVE TO OTHERS

    7. If 1st selection is not qualify or no Quota, we have to move 2nd selection, 3rd selection and so on

    I've done my T-SQL. It's shown as following,

    use TUNEDB

    Begin transaction

    Begin Try

    -- Run a while loop----------------------------------------

    DECLARE @next INT = 1;

    DECLARE @idx int, @applicantIdx INT, @jantina VARCHAR(1),

    @iptsIdx INT, @kursusIdx INT;

    DECLARE @cnt INT;

    SELECT @cnt = COUNT(*) FROM xtApplicantApply

    WHILE (@cnt > 0)


    SET @cnt = @cnt - 1;


    @applicantIdx = applicantIdx,

    @jantina = jantina,

    @iptsIdx = iptsIdx,

    @kursusIdx = kursusIdx

    FROM xtApplicantApply a


    processed = 0



    SELECT idx FROM xtApplicantQuota q

    WHERE q.iptsIdx = a.iptsIdx AND q.kursusIdx = a.kursusIdx

    -- pastkan kuota kategori A shj

    AND ( (a.jantina = 'L' AND q.mRemaining > 0) OR (a.jantina = 'P' AND q.fRemaining > 0) )


    ORDER BY Rnk;

    SET @next = @@ROWCOUNT;

    IF (@next > 0)


    -- find the id of the Quota from which this slot is dispensed.

    SELECT @idx = idx FROM xtApplicantQuota

    WHERE @iptsIdx = iptsIdx AND @kursusIdx = kursusIdx

    -- subtract one from quota

    UPDATE xtApplicantQuota SET

    mRemaining = CASE WHEN @jantina = 'L' THEN mRemaining-1 ELSE mRemaining END,

    fRemaining = CASE WHEN @jantina = 'P' THEN fRemaining-1 ELSE fRemaining END


    iptsIdx = @iptsIdx

    AND kursusIdx = @kursusIdx

    AND idx = @idx;

    -- mark this applicant as processed

    UPDATE xtApplicantApply SET

    Processed = 1


    applicantIdx = @applicantIdx;

    -- insert the selection into the table.

    INSERT INTO tbl_MST_Penempatan(tbl_MST_Pemohon_idx,tbl_DirKursus_Jurisdiction_idx)


    @applicantIdx, @idx



    COMMIT transaction

    End Try

    Begin Catch

    -- Whoops, there was an error

    ROLLBACK transaction

    -- Raise an error with the details of the exception

    DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int


    @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()

    RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)

    End Catch

    The problem is T-SQL took more than 45 minutes, and it still Executing query ....

    Need help on add appropriate index, re-writing T-SQL, and anything

    I'm crazy stuck

  • CELKO (5/12/2012)

    Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect.

    Heh... and you shouldn't use any of the higher level functions of scientific calculators because someone might only have a 4 function calculator. 😉 And when you come up with the differences between scientific calculators and reverse polish notation calculators, realize that true portability amongst calculators is just as much an impracticality there as it is in SQL.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • This looks like a question I previously posted a solution to here:


    Even the field names are the same. Is this a homework problem or something?

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St

  • Yes Mr Dwain. This is not homework or something. This is what I'm facing on

    Till now, I did not see the supportive answer from expert

  • CELKO (5/12/2012)

    We do not use BIT flags in SQL; that was assembly language.

    T-SQL doesn't have a Boolean data type, so I see no problem with using a BIT to represent a Boolean value. It certainly makes more sense than using a CHAR(1) with a check constraint, or, even worse, a CHAR(1) without the check constraint (which I see all too often).


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (5/14/2012)

    CELKO (5/12/2012)

    We do not use BIT flags in SQL; that was assembly language.

    T-SQL doesn't have a Boolean data type, so I see no problem with using a BIT to represent a Boolean value. It certainly makes more sense than using a CHAR(1) with a check constraint, or, even worse, a CHAR(1) without the check constraint (which I see all too often).


    I guess you've just misunderstood His Majesty... They don't use BIT flags, as They don't speak plebeian languages :hehe:

    The rest of SQL developers can use it safely as provided by MS SQL Server...

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

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