T-SQL Outer/Inner Join Problem

  • Here is one that does not make sense to me.

    SELECT *

    FROM tbl1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.key = tbl2.key

    WHERE tbl2.filter = 1

    AND tbl2.key IS NULL

    returns the same as

    SELECT *

    FROM tbl1

    INNER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.key = tbl2.key

    WHERE tbl2.filter = 1

    However, the following works correctly

    SELECT *

    FROM tbl1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.key = tbl2.key

    AND tbl2.filter = 1

    WHERE tbl2.key IS NULL

    Is it me or shouldn't SQL flag a warning that a OUTER JOIN is being changed to a INNER JOIN by the optimizer?

  • As far as I know the SQL optimizer would not change a Outer Join to an Inner Join. It just so happens that you are filtering on Null which gives you the same results as if you had done a inner join. The reason the two queries have different results is because in the first one you are left outer joining all of the records from tbl2 in the second query you are only left outer joining the records that have a filter = 1

  • By the way, I ran your queries on simple data

    Tbl1 Tbl2

    Key Key Filter

    1 1 1

    2 2 0

    3 3 1

    4 4 0

    And I get three different results:

    First query returns empty record set

    Second query returns

    1 1 1

    3 3 1

    Third Query returns



  • Leon, you are correct. My appologies, I missed a AND clause on the second query.

    It should have read:

    SELECT *

    FROM tbl1

    INNER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.key = tbl2.key

    WHERE tbl2.filter = 1

    AND tbl2.key = NULL

    My point is that the LEFT OUTER JOIN should have given me (by definition) every record in tbl1 and those records in tbl2 that match the criteria. Instead, it is only giving me those records that match in both tables. By the very definition of INNER/OUTER joins this is not correct behavior. Or is it?

    Edited by - aplack on 10/13/2001 08:24:45 AM

  • The Query:


    SELECT *

    FROM tbl1

    INNER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.key = tbl2.key

    WHERE tbl2.filter = 1

    AND tbl2.key = NULL

    will never return any records because tbl2.key can not be null by definition of an inner join. To get the understanding of inner and left outer joins do them without the Where clause and see what you get.

  • Your first query:


    SELECT *

    FROM tbl1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.key = tbl2.key

    WHERE tbl2.filter = 1

    AND tbl2.key IS NULL

    If tb2.key is null, you didn't find a match in tbl2 for the record in tbl1 based on tbl1.key and tbl2.key. That means all the columns in tbl2 will be null. You've used WHERE tbl2.filter = 1. But tbl2.filter is null and so that part of the WHERE clause is always going to evaluate as false.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

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