t-sql help!

  • I have the following three columns along with the data in table1

    col1 col2 col3

    Order1 AA 100

    Order2 BB 200

    Order3 CC 700

    I want email sent with the above data in html table format and only if col3 values are less than 500, I want it's corresponding row highlighted in red color. Any help appreciated.


  • First things first - we need to understand what you really mean by this:

    I want email sent with the above data in html table format and only if col3 values are less than 500, I want it's corresponding row highlighted in red color.

    Could you give an example of what you want (even if it's some HTML)?

    E-mail it only if the values are less than 500, or

    highlight only the rows where the col3 value is less than 500?

  • Yes, highlight only the rows if the values if col3 values are less than 500.

  • Here is a very simple way of constructing a html table in T-SQL with the background definition you asked for


    USE tempdb;






    col1 VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    ,col2 CHAR(2) NOT NULL

    ,col3 INT NOT NULL


    INSERT INTO @SAMPLE(col1,col2,col3)

    VALUES ('Order1','AA',100)





    '<TR><TD bgcolor="'+ CASE WHEN S.col3 < 500 THEN '#FF0000' ELSE '#FFFFFF' END +'">' + S.col1 + '</TD>'

    + '<TD bgcolor="'+ CASE WHEN S.col3 < 500 THEN '#FF0000' ELSE '#FFFFFF' END +'">' + S.col2 + '</TD>'

    + '<TD bgcolor="'+ CASE WHEN S.col3 < 500 THEN '#FF0000' ELSE '#FFFFFF' END +'">' + CAST(S.col3 AS VARCHAR(9)) + '</TD></TR>'


    FOR XML PATH('TR'),TYPE).value('.[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)')

    + '</TABLE>';



    <TABLE BORDER="0">

    <TR><TD bgcolor="#FF0000">Order1</TD><TD bgcolor="#FF0000">AA</TD><TD bgcolor="#FF0000">100</TD></TR>

    <TR><TD bgcolor="#FF0000">Order2</TD><TD bgcolor="#FF0000">BB</TD><TD bgcolor="#FF0000">200</TD></TR>

    <TR><TD bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Order3</TD><TD bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CC</TD><TD bgcolor="#FFFFFF">700</TD></TR>


    Edit: fixed the output

  • It seems like you might want to consider doing this with a reporting tool rather straight out of sql server.

    Don Simpson

    I'm not sure about Heisenberg.

  • DonlSimpson (12/8/2014)

    It seems like you might want to consider doing this with a reporting tool rather straight out of sql server.



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