Sub Report for One to Many Relationship

  • Hi - I am fairly new to SSRS and am trying to modify an existing custom report used in Dynamics 365.  I am using Visual Studio 2015 to edit the report.  My main report works great, my sub report also works great if there is only one associated record.  The problem is that the sub report should be generated for each individual record.  If there are 3 related records, the sub report appears to show the information all on one report with some information duplicated and other information missing.  I am certain I missed something somewhere, I just can't figure out what I am missing.  Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Maybe watch this video... I watched it several times when trying to get my head around subreports. You can download their sample database so you can work along with the demo, if you want.

  • Thank you...I will watch this.

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