SQL Server Database Redunduncy

  • I am having two databases A and B  Both are logging in Same DATA at the same interval of Time But in case of power failure system A it should copy missing data from system B and Vice Versa In case of power failure of System B it should copy the missing data from System A.Please Update


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • I can't answer this directly because I haven't used SQL Server 2022 however a question which might help other people answer:

    You've said that both databases are getting the same data. How is that happening? Is an application writing to both databases or do you have something setup in SQL Server which normally copies the data between the databases?


  • lalitprg2017, please confirm whether my understanding is correct.

    When things are running both DB-s hold the same data. What you want is that after an outage happens in one DB, lets say A has the outage and B has remains up,   after A comes back up, you want the data that was saved to B but not A to be copied over to A.

    Also, can you tell us more about the data?  is it a single table?(is so describe)    many tables?  Is there a natural key in the source data? (such as a date/time that could be used to identify the missing records).


  • Yes You understand it correctly there will be multiple tables which are identical in both the DBs

  • lalitprg2017, for giving you a solution I would have to make some assumptions. Please tell me if you see then as reasonable for you situation. The assumptions are:

    1. The tables have some natural key. Something that uniquely identifies each records. OK if it is a combination of fields.
    2. The tables have some column or columns that give the record or data creation date and time.
    3. A column can be added to each table that indicates the server/database through which was originally created.

    If this is realistic for you I can put down my suggestion.

  • Based on the stated assumptions I would suggest the following.

    /*--- Initial setup
    --- Cretae synonyms to reference the remote table\s
    I use a synonym to reference objects on remote servers to avoid directly referencing remote objects in the code
    That makes that when implementing on different environments only the synonyms need to be updated and not code
    create synonym RedundantTable1 for RedundantServer.RedundantDB.RedundantSchema.Table1

    create procedure sp_CopyFromRedundantServer 
    @FromDatetime datetime
    , @ToDatetime datetime

    Procedure to run on server that expiriences the outage after it comes back from the outage
    It requres a time range for the outage. The range does not need to be precise. It should be
    sometime before the outage to sometime after transactions start processing on the down server
    The more narrow the range is the faster the process will run. In most scenarios where the amount of data
    is not enormeos it won't be material for the range to be somewhat larger than the actual outage

    --- we first copy data from remote table into a temp table to avoid joining local and remote table in following step
    select *
    into #RedundantTable1
    from RedundantTable1
    where DateTimeColumn >= @FromDatetime
    and DateTimeColumn <= @ToDatetime
    and isnull(OriginalServer,'') <> 'remote'

    --- insert into into the local table any record found in the data from remote table that does not exist in the local table
    insert into Table1
    , DateTimeColumn
    , NaturalKeyColum
    --, --- other columns on table
    OriginalServer = 'remote'
    , DateTimeColumn
    , NaturalKeyColum
    --, --- other columns on table
    from #RedundantTable1 i
    left outer join Table1 t
    on i.NaturalKeyColum = t.NaturalKeyColum
    where t.NaturalKeyColum is null


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