SQL Server Audit Report to Email

  • Hi Team,

    I am trying to configure SQl srerver logins audit report email generation.

    Once I run the query, Result should generate in to email. But I am getting some error and not able to solve that.Can you please help me on this..


    declare @query nvarchar(max)

    set @query =

    'SELECT l.name,

    CAST(CASE sp.[state] WHEN N'D' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS DenyWindowsLogin,

    CASE WHEN N'U' = l.type THEN 0

    WHEN N'G' = l.type THEN 1

    WHEN N'S' = l.type THEN 2

    WHEN N'C' = l.type THEN 3

    WHEN N'K' = l.type THEN 4 END AS LoginType,

    CAST(CASE WHEN (sp.[state] IS NULL) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS bit) AS HasAccess,

    CAST(sl.is_policy_checked AS bit) AS PasswordPolicyEnforced,

    CAST(sl.is_expiration_checked AS bit) AS PasswordExpirationEnabled,

    l.create_date AS CreateDate,

    l.modify_date AS DateLastModified,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'BadPasswordCount') AS BadPasswordCount,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'BadPasswordTime') AS BadPasswordTime,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'DaysUntilExpiration') AS DaysUntilExpiration,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'IsExpired') AS IsExpired,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'IsLocked') AS IsLocked,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'IsMustChange') AS IsMustChange,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'LockoutTime') AS LockoutTime,

    LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'PasswordLastSetTime') AS PasswordLastSetTime,

    l.is_disabled AS IsDisabled

    FROM sys.server_principals AS l

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.server_permissions AS sp

    ON sp.grantee_principal_id = l.principal_id

    AND sp.[type] = N'COSQ' -- Connect permissions

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.sql_logins AS sl

    ON sl.principal_id = l.principal_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.credentials AS c

    ON c.credential_id = l.credential_id


    l.[type] IN ('U', 'G', 'S', 'C', 'K')

    AND l.principal_id NOT BETWEEN 101 AND 255 -- ##MS% certificates


    ( sp.[state] = N'D' -- DenyWindowsLogin

    OR sp.[state] IS NULL -- HasAccess

    OR CAST(sl.is_policy_checked AS bit) = 0

    OR CAST(sl.is_expiration_checked AS bit) = 0

    OR l.create_date > GETDATE()-1

    OR l.modify_date > GETDATE()-1

    OR l.is_disabled > 0

    OR LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'DaysUntilExpiration')<= 5

    OR LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'IsExpired') > 0

    OR LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'IsLocked') > 0

    OR LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'IsMustChange') > 0

    OR LOGINPROPERTY(l.name, N'BadPasswordCount') > 2


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'MS SQL Support',

    @recipients = '@wipro.com',

    @subject = 'Login Aduit Report',

    @importance= HIGH,

    @query = @query;


    Error :

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

    Incorrect syntax near 'D'.

  • It's all dynamic SQL. You will need to double up all single quotes between the very first quote and the last one.

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