SQL Query to use in MS SSRS server to give you your report structure.

  • Code that can be used in order to create dashboard or SSRS report on report statuses based on Report Structure that can be used to be filtered.


    Created By:wolfsvein
    Create Date:2025-01-17
    Details:Used to see distinct list of Report Folder Structure.



    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp_Data') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #tmp_Data

    SELECT distinct
    replace(path, '/' + Name, '') AS Path
    INTO #tmp_Data
    FROM Catalog
    WHERE Type = 2
    order BY Path

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp_Sort') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #tmp_Sort

    select DISTINCT Path, value,
    ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY Path ORDER BY Path) AS rownumber
    INTO #tmp_Sort
    from #tmp_Data
    WHERE value <> ''

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp_Filter') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #tmp_Filter

    SELECT Path,
    row_number() over (partition by value, rownumber order by path, value) AS RowValue
    INTO #tmp_Filter
    FROM #tmp_Sort

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp_Final') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #tmp_Final

    SELECT Path,
    INTO #tmp_Final
    FROM #tmp_Filter
    WHERE rownumber >= rowvalue
    ORDER BY Path, rownumber

    SELECT Path,
    iif(rownumber -1 = 0, '', REPLICATE(' ', rownumber -1) + CHAR(149)) + ' ' + value AS ReportStructure
    FROM #tmp_Final
    where RowValue = 1
    ORDER BY Path, rownumber
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  • While I'm sure that people appreciate the effort behind this blog post, this is not really the place for it. If you want to submit technical articles like this, I suggest you follow the 'Contribute' link at the bottom of the page.

    Having said that, a few quick comments:

    1. Is there really a need to specify dirty reads across the entire script?
    2. Writing table names in queries without including their schema is considered bad practice and incurs a slight performance hit.
    3. Modern syntax for temp table removal is DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #t.
    4. Use of the double-dot notation (tempdb..#t) was always considered bad practice (as per point 2)
    5. That's a lot of temp tables for a fairly simple set of queries. While I haven't tried, I'd  expect to be able to optimise this to require fewer, or none.


  • I agree... great post but it should be an article.

    I also add...

    6. While even Microsoft hasn't followed suit, NOT using semi-colon terminators has been deprecated since 2005 came out.

    7.  Both in real life and in articles, readers shouldn't actually have to read the code to determine the intent of each statement/query.  Add some inline comments.

    I also strongly agree about Phils #2 point (it's endeared by the name of "2 part naming convention) but with Temp Tables being an exception because they are exceptional.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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