SQL Query

  • Scenario is like - I have a table for product with records -


    12010-09-16 10:11:00.000TeamAWorking

    22010-09-16 11:21:00.000TeamBReceived

    32010-09-20 07:55:00.000TeamBAnalyzing

    42010-09-20 15:15:00.000TeamBWorking

    52010-09-27 11:12:00.000TeamAWorking

    62010-09-27 11:12:20.000TeamBWorking

    72010-09-27 14:34:00.000TeamAreceived

    82010-10-08 13:34:00.000TeamAWorking

    This is the structure when I sorted records on TimeStamps. I just want to retrieve records starting when certain product is currently in TeamA... e.g .in this case I want just two latest rows i.3. with ID 7 and 8 since product is with TeamA...

    Anybody knows how??

    Below are the script -

    Create table #product(ID int, TimeStamps datetime, Team varchar(10),Status varchar(10));

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(1,'2010-09-16 10:11:00.000','TeamA','Working')

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(2,'2010-09-16 11:21:00.000','TeamB','Received')

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(3,'2010-09-20 07:55:00.000','TeamB','Analyzing')

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(4,'2010-09-20 15:15:00.000','TeamB','Working')

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(5,'2010-09-27 11:12:00.000','TeamA','Working')

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(6,'2010-09-27 11:12:20.000','TeamB','Working')

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(7,'2010-09-27 14:34:00.000','TeamA','Received')

    Insert into #product(ID,TimeStamps,Team,Status) values(8,'2010-10-08 13:34:00.000','TeamA','Working')


  • If the sequence of ID column values start at 1 and are in the same order as the TimeStamps values then the following should work. The COALESCE is needed for those cases where there has been no change of teams.

    SELECT ID FROM #product


    SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #product

    WHERE (Team <> (SELECT TOP 1 Team FROM #product ORDER BY ID DESC))

    ), 0)

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