SQL Error Logs with SQL Clustering

  • When our SQL cluster (active/passive) failed over to Server 2 SQL stopped writing to the error log until it failed back to Server 1. Does anyone know how to configure this so both SQL Server write to the error log?

  • Which error log were you looking at, and on what server? SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, Windows Event Logs?

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • sounds like the error log needs to be included in the cluster group so both servers have access to it. Did you check both nodes to see if both had their own error logs?


  • I am using 2000. The SQL Server error logs are missing. SQL is only writing to the error log when it is on Server1. After fail over to Server2 no SQL Server logging happened that I can see. All I see when failed over on Server2 is the same SQL Server error logs from Server1. I have no idea what SQL did for about 14 hours last night but I know it was running.


    Which error log were you looking at, and on what server? SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, Windows Event Logs?

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


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