SQL Agent can send e-mail, but not pages

  • Hi, All!

    I configured SQL Agent on our new SQL Server 2000 SP1 (Win2000 SP2). I also installed Exchange Client, created profile and configured SQL Agent to use that profile. Then I created some operators. When I test (go to operator properties and click "Test" button), I receive notification e-mail without problems, but when I try to send a test page, it doesn't work. In both cases the box appears: "Message was sent successfully". I can send a page manually from the server in question, using exchange client. I can also page myself by running xp_sendmail and specifying pager address (SQL Mail uses the same profile as SQL Agent).

    I don't get it! The e-mail address looks like this "Blow, Joe" and the pager address looks likt this: "pgr-Blow, Joe". Everything works, except paging through SQL Agent. I tried surrounding pager address with square brackets and quotes, but it still doesn't work.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you!


  • In your GAL or Address Book, is there an entry for "pgr-Blow, Joe" as there probably is for "Blow, Joe?" Have you tried to hardcode the pager address in (e.g., joeblow@paging.pagingcarrier.com or what have you)?

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • Yes, there is an entry for "pgr-Blow, Joe", in fact I just browse to it using "..." button (to avoid any typing mistakes).

    I tried using fully-qualified pager address, with the same result: a box pops-up "The message was sent successfully", but I don't receive anything.

    What else can I try?

    Thank you,


  • If you go to the box and look at the exchange client (I'm assuming Outlook), do you send any messages in the Inbox indicating an error or messages waiting to go out in the Outbox?

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • Try sending to the page and cc: to yourself through normal email.

    Steve Jones


  • No error messages in the Inbox and no waiting messges in the Outbox. BTW, the regular test e-mails (not pages) succeed, but don't get saved in the Sent box. Not sure if this is related.

    Thank you!

  • To answer Steve, as I said in my first message, I can send a page to myslef manually without problems (through normail e-mail) and can even page myself throug xp_sendmail, which uses the same profile as SQL Agent. Or maybe I misunderstood what you aksed me to do?

    Big Thank You to everybody for the feedback!

  • You're we;come, but I'm confused. If you are using SQLAgent to page you, are you specifying alerts or something else? Many times when SQLAgnet pages you, you are running xp_sendmail to do this.

    Steve Jones


  • In the properties for SQL Server Agent, there is a check box to save copies of the sent mail in the "Sent Items" folder, but this isn't checked by default.

    However, since you are having problems with sending to the paging addresses, it might be a good idea to check it, and then test the page. See if the email for the page is even being sent.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks again to Brian and Steve for the feedback. Here is an answer to my own question: Q305354

    I hate it when they introduce new bugs in the service packs. I believe this one is cirical in nature and many people will be bitten and frustrated by it (they fixed it in SP2 though).

    Michael Neymit

  • Thanks for the follow-up. I agree with you in that it's kind of hard to believe this one slipped in under the radar. In any case, SP2 was pretty heavily tested, but the standard caveats apply before putting in on a system.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

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