Sorting a date column

  • hi all,

    I have query which diplays require information for my application. Query is given below:

    SELECT distinct POProjects.ProjectId,POProjects.PINNo,POProjects.CustName,POProjects.ProjName,

    convert(varchar(10),POProjects.ProjectStartDate,103) ProjectStartDate,

    convert(varchar(10),POProjects.ProjectEndDate,103) ProjectEndDate,

    dbo.get_emp_name(POProjects.ProjHeadAlias) ProjectHead,dbo.Get_All_PM_Names(POProjects.ProjectId) ProjectManager, dbo.get_emp_name(POProjects.GroupheadAlias)GroupHead,POProjects.ProjType,POProjects.EstPersonMonths,POProjects.ProjectStatus,POProjects.PeakTeamSize PeakTeamSize,dbo.Technologylist(POProjects.ProjectId) Technology FROM POProjects,POProjectPMs where POProjects.ProjectId=POProjectPMs.ProjectId

    order by POProjects.ProjectStartDate

    Problem is that, though i am using order by statement to sort the projectstartdate column, i am not getting the desired results. Start date and endate are declared as datetime datatypes. I am using convert function since i need only the date part in my application. Can any one suggest me regarding this.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Your query looks ok. When you say you're not getting the desired results, what do you mean? Not the required ordering? Not getting the required output formats?

    - Mark

  • Thanks mccork,

    i am getting results in correct format..i mean date format. But that column is not ordered in asc/desc, according my requirement.



    Edited by - k_sekhar_rao on 07/10/2003 05:02:03 AM

  • I can't see why they would be displayed in dd/mm/yyyy format, order from earliest to latest. Can you post an example of out of sequence dates?

    - Mark

  • The problem is it is order by character order because POProjects.ProjectStartDate is a varchar. This happens because the last thing that occurrs is the Order By and because you used the same name it sees the varchar value.







    is what you get

    To order like you want change

    order by POProjects.ProjectStartDate


    order by cast(POProjects.ProjectStartDate as datetime) asc

    basically make sure it is sorting as a date value not a character.

    Or use another alias name besides ProjectStartDate and it won't be an issue.

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