Simple way to determine columntype in t-sql

  • Is there a simple way to determine the columntype inm SQL ?

    If a column is varchar(85) i want to see -> Varchar(85)

    so the simple string representation.........

    Has somebody figured this out already ?

  • Query the system tables, specifically the columns and the datatype tables

    declare @tbl varchar(255)

    declare @col varchar(255)

    set @tbl = TableName

    set @Col = ColumnName

    select systypes.Name + '(' + cast(syscolumns.length as varchar(100)) + ')'

    from syscolumns

    inner join systypes on systypes.xtype = syscolumns.xtype

    where = @Col

    and Id = object_Id(@Tbl)

    Although you may have to do a bit of tweeking with datatypes where you would not necessarily want to see the length (ie datetime, rather then datetime(8))

  • DOes this one also works for usertypes ?

  • It does, as usertypes are also stored in the systypes table.

    There are complications though, as usertypes share the same xtypeId as their parent datatype, so this query returns both.

    I'm sure there must be a method using the fields in the systype table to filter this down, it just may take a bit of fiddling.

    One further thing to note, as well as the datetime type previously mentioned, for other datatypes, such as decimal, you would probably want to substitute it for prec(sion) and scale, both of which are separate fields.

  • Well something weird went on with those usertypes so no i changed you rquery to :

    declare @tbl sysname

    set @tbl = 'table2'

    select as 'ColumnName',

    case bt.Name

    when 'Int' then 'Integer'

    when 'Image'then 'Image'

    When 'Text' then 'Text'

    when 'Varchar' then 'Varchar('+ rtrim(ltrim(str(sc.length)))+')'

    when 'NVarchar' then 'NVarchar('+ rtrim(ltrim(str(sc.length)))+')'

    when 'Nchar' then 'NChar('+ rtrim(ltrim(str(sc.length)))+')'

    when 'char' then 'Char('+ rtrim(ltrim(str(sc.length)))+')'

    when 'varbinary' then 'varbinary('+ rtrim(ltrim(str(sc.length)))+')'


    END as 'Columntype'

    from syscolumns sc

    left join systypes td on td.xusertype = sc.xusertype -- and systypes.type = systypes.xtype

    left join systypes bt on bt.xusertype = td.xtype

    where Id = object_Id(@Tbl)

    order by

    But I really don't know if i got it right ?

    Does any of the GURU's out there know if this is the right way ?

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