server name

  • Hi

    I have installed a third party db scan tool and trying to connect the server(local), but throwing below error

    Error Number:

    Description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find server 'XYZDEV01' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.

    Module Name: modASI_ADO_APIS

    Procedure Name: GetNextScanID

    I found that the server names are different.

    SQLManagement studio servername is xyzdev01

    Windows servername(MyComputer) is xyzdev01

    But when I execute Select @@Servername, I got the servername xyzdemO01

    Why the server names are different. How to resolve this, Please advice. I am using sql 2005

  • when you saying connecting to server local, is that mean thats what you mentiong while connecting. Try to change it to actual servername istead of local.


  • This is because the servername(or network name) must have changed in the past. the serverproperty('servername') will reflect the new name. however @@servername will reflect the old name.

    To fix this issue, you need to change the servername using sp_dropserver (to remove the old name) and sp_addserver(to add the new name) stored procedure.

    You will need a reboot after this.

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