select/insert/update blob fields

  • Is possible to select, insert, update blob fields (just using SQL statements)? Im working w/ a project about storing image file (WMF files) to a database.

    Do anyone know of some samples I can test and play with?

    I will appreciate any help! Thanks!

    AUXilliary COMmunication 1

  • Hi newbie,

    Use ADODB.Stream for retrieving/updating blob fields.

    Please go to this link;en-us;258038

    Good luck.

  • uhm, yes you can use the ado objects and methods via extended stored procs in Sql.

    I have provided a specific real life example, but it is not well documented. Let me know if you would like further information on any of the objects, methods, properties etc. The best source I have found for this stuff is at The problem is that you have to translate the vb method for invoking the ADO objects/methods into the extended proc method. . .

    declare @error int , @object int ,@record int,@fstream int, @con int,@recordset int,@eof int

    declare @fields int,@field1 int,@field2 int,@value int

    declare @file varchar(256),@ptr binary(8000)

    select @value = 24, @file = 'c:\test.txt'--'\\iatdevdc1\dba\downloads\microsoft\sql2k\'

    exec @error = sp_oacreate 'adodb.recordset',@recordset out

    exec @error = sp_oacreate '',@fstream out

    exec @error = sp_oacreate 'adodb.connection',@con out

    exec @error = sp_oasetproperty @con,'connectionstring','Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial catalog=SDv2C;Server=tjames\twhite;'

    exec @error = sp_oasetproperty @fstream,'type',1

    exec @error = sp_oamethod @fstream,'open'

    exec @error = sp_oamethod @fstream,'LoadFromFile',null,@file

    exec @error = sp_oamethod @con,'open'

    exec @error = sp_oasetproperty @recordset,'source','select top 1 PropertyID,Value from propertytext'

    exec @error = sp_oasetproperty @recordset,'cursortype',1

    exec @error = sp_oasetproperty @recordset,'locktype',3

    exec @error = sp_oasetproperty @recordset,'ActiveConnection',@con

    exec @error = sp_oamethod @recordset,'open'

    exec @error = sp_oamethod @recordset,'addnew'

    exec @error = sp_oagetproperty @recordset,'Fields',@fields out--this is the fields collection not a field object

    exec @error = sp_oagetproperty @fields,'item',@field1 out,0

    exec @error = sp_oagetproperty @fields,'item',@field2 out,1

    exec @error = sp_oasetproperty @field1,'value',@value

    exec @error = sp_oagetproperty @fstream,'EOS',@eof out

    while @eof = 0


     exec @error = sp_oamethod @fstream,'read',@ptr out,4000

     exec @error = sp_oamethod @field2,'AppendChunk',null,@ptr

     exec @error = sp_oamethod @recordset,'update'

     exec @error = sp_oagetproperty @fstream,'EOS',@eof out

     --exec @error = sp_oagetproperty @fstream,'position'





  • Thanks to this extended sproc technique. I just learned that it is possible to create objects inside sqlserver, what a nice feature!

    Many thanks for the script Tobi. I will just study it!

    AUXilliary COMmunication 1

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