Select top 1 with disctinct

  • My table has Order, Release, Line and many other columns. I want to select just the top 1 line for every distinct Order and Release combination. I don't care which line I get because the other columns I want to retrieve are the same for all rows.

    How can I get a distinct list based on these two key fields, but still grab a couple other columns like Ref1 and Ref2.

  • It would assist those who would like to assist you if you would post the table definition, some sampe data and desired results from that sample data. Refer to the first link in my signature block to see how to do this most easily..

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  • mpv-1060508 (11/24/2010)

    My table has Order, Release, Line and many other columns. I want to select just the top 1 line for every distinct Order and Release combination. I don't care which line I get because the other columns I want to retrieve are the same for all rows.

    How can I get a distinct list based on these two key fields, but still grab a couple other columns like Ref1 and Ref2.

    Have you tried?:

    SELECT order, release, MAX(Line) AS Line, ... FROM table GROUP BY order, release

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