• The problem is probably that the web server is using connection pooling and scope_identity will return the last value generated in any table in the current session. (see books online).

    Look at the ProcessId of the 2 web users and I'd bet they are the same.

    Put this in a transaction and that should fix it.

    If not, then try a transaction with IDENT_CURRENT('mytable') and this should work also.

    Good luck


  • oh, be careful with IDENT_Current... lot's of folks can insert rows in that very brief time span between the time you do an insert and the time you use IDENT_Current.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff, I've got a couple more questions for you:

    1) I belive my earlier statement about the 2 web users sharing the same connection are correct, but I believe the will have different ProcessId's (my earlier statements are incorrect).

    If 2 web users are sharing a connection, how can you tell by looking in the activity monitor?

    2) Each recordset opened would have it's own ProcessId, correct?

    3) Since scope_Identity and @@Identity return the last values from "ANY" table, this is more dangerous than Ident_Current which is limited to a single table. Would you agree?

    So doesn't, putting this in a transaction with the right isolation level solve the problem?



  • Doug Stoltz (11/28/2007)

    Jeff, I've got a couple more questions for you:

    1) I belive my earlier statement about the 2 web users sharing the same connection are correct, but I believe the will have different ProcessId's (my earlier statements are incorrect).

    If 2 web users are sharing a connection, how can you tell by looking in the activity monitor?

    Dunnot the actual answer to that one... if the connection isn't dropped, it may be considered to be the same session... or not. Don't know how to monitor for that... I'm more of a data troll...

    2) Each recordset opened would have it's own ProcessId, correct?

    Not necessarily... if the server considers it to be the same session, multiple recordsets could be returned with the same Spid/ProcessID.

    3) Since scope_Identity and @@Identity return the last values from "ANY" table, this is more dangerous than Ident_Current which is limited to a single table. Would you agree?

    So doesn't, putting this in a transaction with the right isolation level solve the problem?

    Scope_Identity doesn't return last value from "ANY" table... it returns the last value the current session inserted in a given table. @@Identity is not so good. If you insert into table "A" and a trigger fires that inserts into table "B", that identity for table "B" is what will be returned. That's where the "ANY comes from for @@Identity...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Can you please expand the code for this back to the function with any sensitive info altered?

    addNewOrder = New SqlCommand("InsertNewOrder",tr.Connection)

    session("NewOrderID") = AddNewOrder.ExecuteScalar()

    I want to understand your path thru

  • Jeff, from books online I got this:

    Assuming that both T1 and T2 have identity columns, @@IDENTITY and SCOPE_IDENTITY will return different values at the end of an INSERT statement on T1. @@IDENTITY will return the last identity column value inserted across any scope in the current session. This is the value inserted in T2. SCOPE_IDENTITY() will return the IDENTITY value inserted in T1. This was the last insert that occurred in the same scope. The SCOPE_IDENTITY() function will return the null value if the function is invoked before any INSERT statements into an identity column occur in the scope.

    Thus SCOPE_IDENTITY can return values from tables T1 or T2 in the sample. (aka the "any" table). Therefore, I would agrue that you should not use SCOPE_IDENTITY, and you should use IDENT_CURRENT to make sure its the orders table.

    Here's the re-write, for the proc (excuse the syntax errors):

    SP InsertNewOrder:


    set transaction isolation level serializable

    -- Store identity in @MyKey during the tran and return from the variable

    Declare @MyKey int

    -- The real problem was a lack of transactions, start one here

    Begin TRAN

    Insert into order_table(..) values (...)

    -- now grab the key before committing (locking out other users)

    SELECT @MyKey = IDENT_CURRENT('order_table')

    commit Tran

    -- @MyKey should never be a duplicate so return the key from a variable

    Select @MyKey


    I think this would work without code changes in the Web app, but i have not tested this.

    Personally, I'd return the new Key value in an output parameter, but this will require a code change.

    What do you think? Please post the final fix for this... Thanks


  • vica, here's another approach. Look it over and figure out what you'd need in the where clause to make it work.

    SP InsertNewOrder:


    Insert into order_table(..) values (...)

    SELECT Top 1 YourIdentityColumnName

    from order_table where x=x

    order by YourIdentityColumnName desc



  • OK. I still try to pinpoint the problem, is it vb code, application server settings, SQL server settings, scope_identity problem. I read a lot of info regarding session loss etc, still don't know what to blame.

    Since many threads were submitted here, I will explain the problem again.

    On the page confirmOrder.aspx user press the button "Confirm". Order is inserted into the database, scope_identinty returns new order id which is placed into a just created session variable and user is redirected to a new page orderConfirmed.aspx where he can print order confirmation with that session variable. It all works fine but in some rare cases when traffic is very high, user can get somebody's else session with order id, not his. At the same time everything is OK with that user's order in the database and if user makes a search by his last name, he finds his order with the correct order id. So it's a mistery how user can get somebody's else orderID. Maybe I need a .NET programmer help to explain me what's going on. This is not my application either but I need to fix it.

    Now a little bit about the hardware. I use ASP.NET 2.0, this is a single application server, not a web farm or web garden and settings in IIS maximum number of working processes = 1 are correct. It doesn't happen to ALL users at the same time so it's not the recycle worker process problem. Domain name doesn't have "_" in it's name. Session string in web.config is

    sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes" cookieless="AutoDetect" timeout="30"/

    Now about the code:


    Private Sub InsertOrder()


    Dim sOrder As New Order

    Dim objHeader As New Order.OrderHeader

    Dim OrderID As Long

    objDS = New DataSet()

    objBasket = New DataTable

    objHeader = Session("UserInfo")

    objDS = Session("OrderBasket")

    objBasket = objDS.Tables("Basket")

    objBasketOptions = objDS.Tables("Options")

    Session("OrderID") = sOrder.Add(objHeader, objBasket, objBasketOptions, Session("UserID"))


    Catch ex As Exception

    Session("Complete") = False

    End Try

    End Sub


    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    OrderIDLabel.Text = Session("OrderID")

    End Sub

    Function Add where we insert order into the database and return orderID:

    Public Function Add(ByVal oh As OrderHeader, ByVal objBasket As System.Data.DataTable, ByVal objBasketOptions As System.Data.DataTable, ByVal UserID As String) As Long

    Dim conn As SqlConnection = Nothing

    Dim _sql As SqlCommand

    Dim AddOrderHeader As SqlCommand

    Dim AddOrderDetails As SqlCommand

    Dim NewOrderID As Long

    Dim tr As SqlTransaction = Nothing


    conn = New SqlConnection(...)


    tr = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)

    AddOrderHeader = New SqlCommand("InsertOrderHeader", tr.Connection)

    AddOrderHeader.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    AddOrderHeader.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderDTTM", Date.Now)


    AddOrderHeader.Transaction = tr

    NewOrderID = AddOrderHeader.ExecuteScalar()

    AddOrderDetails = New SqlCommand(InsertOrderDetail, tr.Connection)

    AddOrderDetails.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    AddOrderDetails.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TimeStamp", Date.Now)


    AddOrderDetails.Transaction = tr



    Return NewOrderID

    Catch ex As Exception


    Throw New ApplicationException(ex.Message)



    End Try

    End Function

    Then stored procedures:

    PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertOrderHeader]

    (@OrderDTTM datetime,


    @OrderID numeric(18,0) output)




    @OrderDTTM ..)

    SET @OrderID = scope_identity();


  • Doug,

    here's your SP;

    SP InsertNewOrder:


    set transaction isolation level serializable

    -- Store identity in @MyKey during the tran and return from the variable

    Declare @MyKey int

    -- The real problem was a lack of transactions, start one here

    Begin TRAN

    Insert into order_table(..) values (...)

    -- now grab the key before committing (locking out other users)

    SELECT @MyKey = IDENT_CURRENT('order_table')

    commit Tran

    -- @MyKey should never be a duplicate so return the key from a variable

    Select @MyKey


    It looks almost like my SP and yes, my SP has orderID as an output parameter so no VB code changes needed.. Transaction is in VB code, not in SP. Should transaction be placed in SP too? How would it be re-written then?

    PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertOrderHeader]

    (@OrderDTTM datetime,

    @OrderID numeric(18,0) output)




    @OrderDTTM )

    SET @OrderID = scope_identity();


  • I would find it hard to believe the IIS was getting session variables screwed up, but anything is possible. Look at the datetimes in your order headers table when the problems occur. how close are the transactions?

    Also, I would look at the isolation level where you begin the transaction and change to serializable. Here's your code:

    tr = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)

    ReadCommitted is defined as "Shared locks are held while the data is being read to avoid dirty reads, but the data can be changed before the end of the transaction, resulting in non-repeatable reads or phantom data."

    On the performance side: response.redirect causes a postback to the browser resulting in 2 requests back to the web server from the client, while server.transfer advances to the next ASPX page directly. - check it out in books online

    You're also opening up connections explicitly in your code, I'd open up profiler and see if you are really using connection pooling or not. Opening connection will slow you down too.


  • "On the performance side: response.redirect causes a postback to the browser resulting in 2 requests back to the web server from the client, while server.transfer advances to the next ASPX page directly. - check it out in books online


    "Why not use Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect especially if both pages are aspx? How can I avoid ThreadAbortException for Server.Transfer?"

    "Excellent question.

    Server.Transfer will not get the right URL in the address line of the user's browser. If that's acceptable, you can use Transfer, and you save one client/server roundtrip.

    Now, Transfer also has a Response.End (and hence a ThreadAbortException), but the code inside Transfer is really just two lines:

    Execute(path, null, preserveForm);


    So you see that to avoid the exception for Transfer, you should just use Execute instead.

    Of course, if you do that, you still need to suppress the output from the first page because both pages will output to the same response (you don't need to do that with Redirect because you have two separate requests in this case, and thus two different responses, the first one being thrown away). This can be done by clearing the response before calling Execute or doing some funny stuff with the writer parameter of Execute. Many strange scenarios here ;)"

  • vicka, I'd change the proc to what is shown below. Transactions, the Serializable isolation and IDENT_CURRENT should rule out this proc as the problem. Try this out before you make code changes in the ASPX files. The links were cool, thanks, let me know if this works.

    more info here:

    PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertOrderHeader]

    (@OrderDTTM datetime,

    @OrderID numeric(18,0) output)


    Set transaction isolation level serializable




    @OrderDTTM )





  • Hi Doug,

    this was created without errors (for 2005)










    SELECT getdate();



  • Thanks, I still hoping to hear that you solved this problem. I think Transaction and Iden_Current changes will rule out SQL server as the problem.

    If it turns out that this relates to Sessions in ASP.NET let me know and I'll give you my home email and help you out on this. This is probaly the wrong forum to debug IIS problems.

    You may want to log the ProcessId or SessionId in the order header so you can find a pattern in the data. I would also add the SessionID as a hidden field in the web page.

    That way when you find the error, you should be albe to View Source in IE and see the SessionID.

    Good Luck and post back when you've made more progress


  • Doug,

    seems like changes in the stored procedure did help. Thank you very much, you are very smart!


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