Save query DTS result to local computer

  • Hi,

    I would like to save the output to my local coputer from a SELECT query of a table of a database in the remote server, how can I specify the path "myLocalComputerPath" in the following script?

    use NorthWind

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from NorthWind..Customers" queryout "myLocalComputerPath\Customers.txt" -T -c'

    The database is on a remote server. I would like the output text file is saved on my local computer.

    Thank in advance.


  • You have to grant the SQL Server service account appropriate permissions in the folder on your local machine and use the UNC name in the query.

    E.g. (untested):

    Assuming the UNC share name on your local machine is "myLocalComputerPath" and the name of your machine is "myLocalComputer":

    use NorthWind

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from NorthWind..Customers" queryout "\\myLocalComputer\myLocalComputerPath\Customers.txt" -T -c'


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • Or - execute the DTS package from DTSRUN or DTSRUNUI on the local machine. By running from a local user and under the correct security context, you'd have access to saving the output locally.

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