Rounding in tsql

  • Hi ALL,

    I have a situation where I should round a col in a table


    Units Desired Result

    0.3 0.3

    0.1 0.1

    1.4 1.4

    1.5 2

    1.7 2

    0.8 1

    I tried round(units,2) and also round(units,0) but in both cases I do not get the desired result

    Thanks in advance

  • ntreelevel (8/3/2016)

    Hi ALL,

    I have a situation where I should round a col in a table


    Units Desired Result

    0.3 0.3

    0.1 0.1

    1.4 1.4

    1.5 2

    1.7 2

    0.8 1

    I tried round(units,2) and also round(units,0) but in both cases I do not get the desired result

    Thanks in advance

    Maybe something like this:


    Units decimal(10,5),

    DesiredResult decimal(10,5),



    0.3, 0.3 UNION ALL SELECT

    0.1, 0.1 UNION ALL SELECT

    1.4, 1.4 UNION ALL SELECT



    0.8, 1;

    SELECT *,

    CASE WHEN ROUND(Units,0) = ROUND(Units,0,1)

    THEN Units ELSE ROUND(Units,0)


    FROM #Test


    DROP TABLE #Test

    Luis C.
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  • The ANSI/ISO standards define rounding as "implementation defined", so you have to be careful. Google scientific versus commercial rounding (I prefer this because it is more "set oriented" than "single value").

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  • CELKO (8/15/2016)

    The ANSI/ISO standards define rounding as "implementation defined", so you have to be careful. Google scientific versus commercial rounding (I prefer this because it is more "set oriented" than "single value").

    Anyone for a discussion on "Bankers Rounding"? ;-):-P:-D:-)

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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  • Me! Me! 😛 But which one? There have been:

    1) go up or down from "x5" alternating.

    2) go up or down from "x5" in a uniform random distribution.

    3) go up or down from "x5" based on a Bayesian algorithm

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  • Hi all, Thank you for the answers but I figured out that using a case statements for custom rounding is the best way and it worked out

  • ntreelevel (8/16/2016)

    Hi all, Thank you for the answers but I figured out that using a case statements for custom rounding is the best way and it worked out

    Do you mean like what I posted? Or something else? If it's something else, would you mind sharing with everyone?

    Excuse Jeff and Joe. Rounding is more complicated than it seems and they have a lot of experience that they want to share. It might not look relevant to your problem, but it could certainly be interesting.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • CELKO (8/15/2016)

    Me! Me! 😛 But which one? There have been:

    1) go up or down from "x5" alternating.

    2) go up or down from "x5" in a uniform random distribution.

    3) go up or down from "x5" based on a Bayesian algorithm

    No, please. The last time we ended up with two threads and a lot flames.

  • Jeff Moden (8/15/2016)

    CELKO (8/15/2016)

    The ANSI/ISO standards define rounding as "implementation defined", so you have to be careful. Google scientific versus commercial rounding (I prefer this because it is more "set oriented" than "single value").

    Anyone for a discussion on "Bankers Rounding"? ;-):-P:-D:-)

    hahaha, yes the default methodology of the ROUND function of the old VB6... which didn't match what Excel did by default. Learned about rounding algorithms that day I did. 🙂

  • I used to be a statistician in a former life, but I do not remember ever seeing a really good book/paper/magazine article on all the problems of rounding! Usually all we got was a little note about scientific versus commercial and that was it!

    Anyone know of such a thing, that goes into a little more theory and justification than just telling us how this particular product or industry does things?

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  • When I started writing code as far back as 1969, the accepted method was to add 5 to one place to the right of the desired result length and then truncate. Thus, for example, to round to cents ( two decimal places ), we added .005 (three decimal places) to any number of decimals and then truncated. In SQL you can do that fairly easily if you variables are defined correctly.

    123.4567 123.4467

    .0050 .0050

    ----------- -----------

    123.4617 123.4517

    when truncated, become:

    123.46 123.45

    Can't get the columns to align here , but you can get the idea anyway

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  • ntreelevel (8/16/2016)

    Hi all, Thank you for the answers but I figured out that using a case statements for custom rounding is the best way and it worked out

    Would you post your code, please? It might be a help to others that happen upon this thread. At the very least, I'm interested in seeing what you came up with.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • skeleton567 (8/16/2016)

    When I started writing code as far back as 1969, the accepted method was to add 5 to one place to the right of the desired result length and then truncate. Thus, for example, to round to cents ( two decimal places ), we added .005 (three decimal places) to any number of decimals and then truncated. In SQL you can do that fairly easily if you variables are defined correctly.

    123.4567 123.4467

    .0050 .0050

    ----------- -----------

    123.4617 123.4517

    when truncated, become:

    123.46 123.45

    Can't get the columns to align here , but you can get the idea anyway

    This was the traditional scientific method. The traditional commercial method was to look for things at five and alternately round them up or down, as the sequential processing of a deck of punch cards or Mac tape pass through your accounting system. The assumption was that, on the average, any error would be as likely to go up or down so this method would not skew in one direction or another.

    Then we found out – aargh! – That some processes are skewed by nature. This meant we had to un-skew them when we got the data and put it in the database. This is when we started using beige and statistics in the rounding. In 25 words or less, the beige and model is to take a sample and assume that it is representative of the whole population. Then we use feedback to correct things that were looking at ("the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior" – statisticians proverb).

    This gets even worse with floating-point math. One of the things I tell people to do in one of my books is to generate a column of random positive and negative floating-point numbers, and to sum() on it. Then sort it from high to low and re-add it; sort from low to high; sort the absolute values from low to high; sort the absolute values from high to low. Now look at the results and pay attention to the last decimal places. They will all be a little different.

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  • This is the custom case statement that I used

    case when (units - floor(units)) < 0.49 then round(units,2)

    when (units - floor(units)) > = 0.50 then round(units,0)


  • ntreelevel (8/17/2016)

    This is the custom case statement that I used

    case when (units - floor(units)) < 0.49 then round(units,2)

    when (units - floor(units)) > = 0.50 then round(units,0)


    You're missing values. If you have a value like N.49 it will return a NULL value.

    Luis C.
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