Rounding Down query

  • Hi

    This may sound like a very simple question, but I have been unable to find an easy answer and the one I have come up with may be over complicated!


    I have a need to round a figure down to 2 decimal places regardless of the value of the figures after the second decimal.  For example 12.3456 needs to be shown as 12.34.

    The reason for this is that when working with sales and discounts, our users like to see the following:

    original sale value

    sale value after discount

    discount value


    All figures must be to 2 decimal places.


    item price = 8.50

    qty sold = 1

    disc applied = 15%

    disc value = 1.275

    sale after disc = 7.225


    Normal rounding would make the last two values 1.28 and 7.23 - which when added together comes to more than the original sale value.


    In my complicated little world, I have come up with the following (see last column - [Correct Calculated Value]).  Surely there must be a simpler way?


    DECLARE @Disc DECIMAL(10,2)


    DECLARE @Price DECIMAL(10,2)

    SET @Disc = 0.15

    SET @Qty = 1

    SET @Price = 8.50

    SELECT (@Qty * @Price) AS [Sale Value Pre Discount]

          ,(@Qty * @Price) * @Disc AS [Discount Value]

          ,(@Qty * @Price) - ((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc) AS [Sale Value Post Discount]

          ,ROUND((@Qty * @Price) - ((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc), 2) AS [Rounded Sale Value Post Discount]

          ,ROUND((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc,2) AS [Rounded Discount Value]

          ,ROUND((@Qty * @Price) - ((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc), 2) + ROUND((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc,2) AS [Incorrect Calculated Value]


                (@Qty * @Price) - ((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc), 2)

                + CAST(ROUND(

                      CAST((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc AS INT)

                      + CAST(CAST(((@Qty * @Price) * @Disc) * 100 AS INT) % 100 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) /100

                , 2) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS [Correct Calculated Value]


    Any ideas?


  • Here's one inelegant way:

    DECLARE @val DECIMAL(18,5)

    SET    @val = 7.225

    SELECT CAST(LEFT(@Val, CHARINDEX('.', @val) - 1) AS VARCHAR(10)) + '.'

         + SUBSTRING(CAST(@Val AS VARCHAR(10)), CHARINDEX('.', @val) + 1, 2)

    I'm sure that someone can come up with a better solution.  You could probably turn the above into a function as well....


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Thanks AJ Ahrens

    There doesn't seem to be a simple solution!

    I'll have a look at this and see about a function.

  • Just remember...that consumer laws in most jurisdictions would expect any rounding to be in favour of the customer.  A discount of 15% needs in practice to mean 15% or better....not 14.9% nor 14.8%....nor 13%.

    Calculate the discount, round it in favour of the customer...and the new sale price is the original price minus the discount.

    You're complicating things by calculating a percentage 2 1 for the discount @ 15%...and 2 for the sale price @ 85%....don't...just calc the discount in percentage terms....and then do simple maths afterwards.

  • Hi Andrew

    Thanks for that response - I fully understand and agree with your statements.

    My problem, however, and perhaps I didn't really make it clear, is that the software suppliers update the database with the unrounded figures which I then have to present to two decimal places.

    In other words, they would show:

    disc value = 1.275

    sale after disc = 7.225


    I guess I could round up the disc value, find the original price of the product and deduct the rounded discount - that's certainly one way of getting round the problem.

    Still doesn't actually answer the "is there an easy way to round down" question though!

    Thanks again.

  • Hi,

    Would something simple like this work:

    select (floor(<value>*100)/100) from <table> ??

    in some unmentioned databases there is a mathematical function called trunc ...

    Would be nice here too


  • Thanks Ken


    Much better than my rather convoluted calculation!

  • You want to truncate the value to 2 decimal places

    Multiply by 100, convert to an integer then convert to a Numeric(18,2) (or currency) and divide by 100

    CONVERT(Numeric(18,2), CONVERT(int, <value> * 100))/100


  • To either round or truncate to N decimal places, use the formula (or write a UDF)

    (10 ^ 0-N) * floor(<value> * 10 ^ N) to truncate or

    (10 ^ 0-N) * floor(0.5 + <value> * 10 ^ N) to round

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