Returning to issue of connecting to default SQL instance on one PC from another

  • A while ago I asked for help of connecting to the default SQL instance on one PC, from another PC, in a home network. How do I log into SSMS v17 on a home network? 

    I thought at the time I had it, but then other priorities came, and I had to drop it. I'm trying to do so again, but now using SSMS 18.9 instead of V17. I've learned from that previous post, so I'll make the databases on the old PC mixed mode, so I can connect to it using SQL Authentication.

    Also, to help with this I searched on how to do this. I came across this Microsoft documentation Lesson 2: Connecting from Another Computer. That page says that I'm to go to the Start menu, navigate down to Configuration Tools where I'll find SQL Server Configuration Manager. Only, I don't find SQL Server Configuration Manager under Microsoft SQL Server Tools 18. I'm not sure how to proceed from this point.

    I'm working in a simple peer-to-peer home network. Both PCs are running Windows 10 Professional. The older PC has SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition installed on it.


  • Don’t know the reasoning behind it but since SSMS and the installer became different items the config manager start menu item hasn’t been deployed either.

    It’s still on the system as it’s simply a MMC plugin but you can start it from one of the following locations



    SQL Server 2019


    SQL Server 2017


    SQL Server 2016


    SQL Server 2014 (12.x)


    SQL Server 2012 (11.x)




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