Returning @@ERROR From Called Procedure

  • I'm trying (very) to use T-SQL's **** error-handling ins SQLSERVER 7 to establish some error-recovery. I have a master procedure calling a series of procedures which each return @@ERROR. I can then test whether the returned value is non 0

    To do this I use in the calling procedure

    DECLARE @intRetVal int

    EXEC @intRetVal = [procedure name]

    IF @intRetVal <> 0 GOTO errhandle

    My cunning plan was then to run a set of statements in the label dependent on the Error value in @intRetVal.

    Oh dear! Can I read the variable?

    Oh no no no .....

    Here's some sample code. Any ideas as to how to get it to work?

    CREATE PROCEDURE prc_check_dropthru


    DECLARE @intRetVal smallint

    EXEC @intRetVal = prc_check_dropthru_a

    IF @intRetVal <> 0 GOTO errhandle



    IF @intRetVal = 208


    PRINT 'Error Invalid Object Name'




    PRINT 'Pray, Where is the Return Value?'


    CREATE PROCEDURE prc_check_dropthru_a


    SELECT * FROM dbo.crud


    exec prc_check_dropthru

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

  • Try setting @@error to a variable and returning the variable.

    Steve Jones

  • Look at the doco for SET XACT_ABORT and see if that helps you with your controlling stored proc.

  • Error handling is a funny thing in SQL Server. Some errors are not recoverable, and affect the context differently.

    In your example the error is not recoverable in context and so is raised in the calling context, this should result in @@error being set in your prc_check_dropthru procedure.

    So a combination of both can be used.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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