Returning a Date with 0 in front of the Month and Day

  • I would like to return the current date in SQL and have it return a zero in front of the month and day if they are 1 thru 9? For example, 09/08/2004. I also would like to format this date as CCYYMMDD using only SQL Code.

    Thanks in advance.


  • There are lots of ways to do this, and somebody might chime in with a better idea (I'm not convinced this is the best way to go, but I'm a little dazed from work right now), but here's one way to at least get you started:

    declare @date datetime
    declare @date_CCYYMMDD char(8)
    set @date = convert(datetime, '1/2/2003 4:05 AM')
    print right('0000' + cast(datepart (Year, @date) as varchar), 4) + 
          right('00' + cast(datepart (Month, @date) as varchar), 2) +
          right('00' + cast(datepart (Day, @date) as varchar), 2)

    Here's a similar example, using a SELECT statement to print the current date in CCYYMMDD format:

    select right('0000' + cast(datepart (Year, getdate()) as varchar), 4) + 
          right('00' + cast(datepart (Month, getdate()) as varchar), 2) +
          right('00' + cast(datepart (Day, getdate()) as varchar), 2)

    You might consider bottling this functionality up in a user-defined function (UDF), but as always you should be careful about performance with UDFs.

    Good luck,


  • Lookup CONVERT in BOL.

    SELECT CONVERT (varchar(10), GetDate(), 103) ...16/09/2004

    SELECT CONVERT (varchar(10), GetDate(), 112) ...20040916

  • Adrian ... thanks.  Gack, I can't believe I missed that the format Kevin wanted was one of the CONVERT formats.  Grrrr to me for being in a rush ... but thanks for correcting my post.

    At least it's been a little while ... I think ... since I posted something so stupid. 


  • For mm/dd/yyyy format, use style 101:

    SELECT Convert(varchar(10), GetDate(), 101)

  • Or you can check for length and use stuff command.


    This was a script to a really nice function which lets you format the date any way you need.



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