Return single value using Case and Group By

  • Hi,

    I currently have the following, which if there are both Invoices and CreditNotes in the period, will return 2 values -

    SELECT CASE WHEN Type = 0 THEN (SUM(NetSales)) ELSE (SUM(NetSales) * - 1) END

    FROM dbo.Orders

    GROUP BY MONTH(InvoiceDate), YEAR(InvoiceDate), Type

    HAVING (MONTH(InvoiceDate) = @MonthNo) AND (YEAR(InvoiceDate) = @YearNo)

    Where Type = 0 is Invoice and Type <> 0 is CreditNote.

    How do I return a single value, being the sum of all the Invoices and all the CreditNotes for the period.

    Many thanks


  •  Try this


    SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 0 THEN (SUM(NetSales)) ELSE (SUM(NetSales) * - 1) END)

    FROM dbo.Orders

    GROUP BY MONTH(InvoiceDate), YEAR(InvoiceDate), Type

    HAVING (MONTH(InvoiceDate) = @MonthNo) AND (YEAR(InvoiceDate) = @YearNo)

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • SELECT SUM(NetSales * CASE WHEN Type = 0 THEN 1 ELSE - 1 END)

    FROM dbo.Orders

    WHERE (MONTH(InvoiceDate) = @MonthNo) AND (YEAR(InvoiceDate) = @YearNo)

    GROUP BY MONTH(InvoiceDate), YEAR(InvoiceDate) --, Type - remove type from grouping

    Actually I don't see why you need GROUP BY at all

    And I would not use WHERE clause causing table scan. If you don't want to make the query slow, use something like this:

    WHERE InvoiceDate >= dateadd(mm, @Month-1, dateadd(yy, @year-1900, 0)) and InvoiceDate < dateadd(mm, @Month, dateadd(yy, @year-1900, 0))

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hi Guys,

    Many thanks for you input on this.

    Amit - unfortunatly I get the following with your suggestion -

    Server: Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.

    Sergity - I get the following if I remove Type from the Group By list

    Server: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'dbo.Orders.Type' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Or if I remove the Groum By entirely -

    Server: Msg 8118, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'dbo.Orders.Type' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.

    I'm truely greatful for your ideas, but do you have any further thoughts please?

    Many thanks



  • Tim,

    I ran Sergiy's example, and it seems work:

    --DROP TABLE Orders




      id int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY

    , type int

    , netsales decimal(12,4)

    , invoiceDate datetime




    INSERT Orders ( type, netsales, invoicedate) VALUES ( 0, 123.45 , '20060502' )

    INSERT Orders ( type, netsales, invoicedate) VALUES ( 0, 500.00 , '20060502' )

    INSERT Orders ( type, netsales, invoicedate) VALUES ( 1, 200.25 , '20060503' )

    INSERT Orders ( type, netsales, invoicedate) VALUES ( 0, 100.00 , '20060503' )

    INSERT Orders ( type, netsales, invoicedate) VALUES ( 1, 350.00 , '20060504' )

    INSERT Orders ( type, netsales, invoicedate) VALUES ( 0,  25.00 , '20060505' )



    DECLARE @yearNo int, @monthNo int

    SET @yearNo = 2006

    SET @monthNo = 5

    SELECT SUM(NetSales * CASE WHEN Type = 0 THEN 1 ELSE - 1 END)

      FROM dbo.Orders

     WHERE InvoiceDate >= DateAdd(mm, @MonthNo-1, DateAdd(yy, @yearNo-1900, 0))

       AND InvoiceDate < DateAdd(mm, @MonthNo, DateAdd(yy, @yearNo-1900, 0))

     GROUP BY MONTH(InvoiceDate), YEAR(InvoiceDate)

  • Oops, sorry I missed that Sergiy had changed the order on the Select line. So you are right it works just fine.

    Very many thanks to you all for you help on this.


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