Return row number without using IDENTITY

  • Does anyone have a bit of code to return the rows in a table (ORDER BY, primary key, whatever order) with a generated row number that is NOT selected from an IDENTITY column. E.g., The SELECT statment FROM tablename would yield two columns where the 1st column is generated "on the fly", and the 2nd column is selected from the table: 1 securityabc, 2 securityxyz, 3 securityrst.

    Regards, Melissa



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for. 🙂

    Regards, Melissa

  • OK, MS is out of date; using a subquery is faster. Like this:

    Select t.tname, t.tid,


    Select count(t1.tid)

    From #test t1

    where t1.tName < t.tName--This is where you signify the rank order

    ) NameRank

    From #test t

    ----------------Test Data------------------

    if object_ID('tempdb..#test') is not null drop table #test

    create table #test (Tid int identity, tname char(3) Not Null Primary Key)

    Insert #test Values ('ZZZ')

    Insert #test Values ('GGG')

    Insert #test Values ('HHH')

    Insert #test Values ('III')

    Insert #test Values ('DDD')

    Insert #test Values ('CCC')

    Insert #test Values ('BBB')

    Insert #test Values ('AAA')

    Signature is NULL

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