Retrive SSRS Reports

  • I had reports on a EOL server and server crashed due to hardware failure which is no more supported by vendor.

    Unable to bring up the SSRS server.

    However I have the report databases available on another server, is there a way to retrieve all the SSRS reports.

    How do I retrieve the RDL files with this.

  • Create a new instance of SSRS (same version as the failed instance, or a later version). Once the new instance is up and running, restore the databases (ReportServer and ReportServerTEMPDB) from the failed instance over the top of the databases of the new instance.

    If you have a backup of the encryption key from the failed instance, restore that. If not, you will need to delete all encrypted content (which is typically username/passwords from data sources). You should be able to export the RDLs now.

  • I restored the databases and then changed the credentials to connect.

    Getting below error:

    The report server installation is not initialized. (rsReportServerNotActivated)

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