resolve sql issue by not using cursor or while loop

  • Need to resolve issue by NOT using cursor or while loop (reason - I am running stored procedure over 7 years - so a lot of data, the part of the stored procedure (has cursor) takes 1 hour and 27 minutes for just one year x 7 years = about 10.5 hours). I replaced cursor with set-based query in this post.

    The idea would be to replace the ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 used in (step2) of stored procedure script

    (UPDATE #Part1 and Insert into #Part2) with a variable parameter like @ID, or use another method without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop, rather use set based method/s.

    -- Data script (creates data for 7 students):

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ImportTable](

    [StudentUID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [PaymentPlanDetailUID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [PaymentDueDate] [nvarchar](11) NULL,

    [Description] [varchar](12) NOT NULL,

    [MinAmountDue] [money] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (92208, 481543, N'01 Mar 2012', N'Payment_Plan', 34500.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (92208, 494511, N'01 Mar 2011', N'Payment_Plan', 22900.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (92208, 1004651, N'01 Mar 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 19990.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (92208, 1047653, N'01 Mar 2013', N'Payment_Plan', 27800.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (162435, 1040636, N'01 Feb 2012', N'Payment_Plan', 33000.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (162435, 1040637, N'01 Mar 2013', N'Payment_Plan', 30210.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (162435, 1040638, N'01 Mar 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 19990.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (162435, 1040639, N'01 Mar 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 6750.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (206864, 952752, N'01 Mar 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 19990.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (206864, 1015989, N'01 Aug 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1350.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (206864, 1047731, N'01 Feb 2013', N'Payment_Plan', 28500.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (245308, 1023979, N'01 Mar 2013', N'Payment_Plan', 3400.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (245308, 1023980, N'01 Apr 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 3400.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (245308, 1052760, N'01 Oct 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 4850.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014679, N'01 Mar 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014680, N'01 Apr 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014681, N'01 May 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014682, N'01 Jun 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014683, N'01 Jul 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014684, N'01 Aug 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014685, N'01 Sep 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014686, N'01 Oct 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (263576, 1014687, N'01 Nov 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1150.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005539, N'01 Mar 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005540, N'01 Apr 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005541, N'01 May 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005542, N'01 Jun 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005543, N'01 Jul 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005544, N'01 Aug 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005545, N'01 Sep 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005546, N'01 Oct 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)

    INSERT [dbo].[ImportTable] ([StudentUID], [PaymentPlanDetailUID], [PaymentDueDate], [Description], [MinAmountDue]) VALUES (277563, 1005547, N'01 Nov 2014', N'Payment_Plan', 1650.0000)


    -- function script (used in stored procedure to get years, months, dates):

    create function [dbo].[ADV_rptage]


    @date datetime,

    @AgingDate datetime


    RETURNS @DateDiference Table








    DECLARE @tmpdate datetime, @years int, @months int, @days int

    SELECT @tmpdate = @date

    SELECT @years = DATEDIFF(yy, @tmpdate, @AgingDate) - CASE WHEN (MONTH(@date) > MONTH(@AgingDate)) OR (MONTH(@date) = MONTH(@AgingDate) AND DAY(@date) > DAY(@AgingDate)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    SELECT @tmpdate = DATEADD(yy, @years, @tmpdate)

    SELECT @months = DATEDIFF(m, @tmpdate, @AgingDate) - CASE WHEN DAY(@date) > DAY(@AgingDate) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    SELECT @tmpdate = DATEADD(m, @months, @tmpdate)

    SELECT @days = DATEDIFF(d, @tmpdate, @AgingDate)

    Insert into @DateDiference

    SELECT @years as years, @months as months, @days AS days




    -- stored procedure script:

    create procedure [dbo].[usp_TEST1]

    @StudentUID int,

    @AgingDate datetime



    --Step 1:

    Declare @PaymentDueDate datetime

    Create table #Part1


    ID int identity(1,1),

    StudentUID int,

    PaymentPlanDetailUID int,

    PaymentDueDate datetime,

    [Description] nvarchar(1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS,

    MinAmountDue Decimal(15,2)


    Insert Into #Part1

    Select Distinct





    sum(MinAmountDue) Over(Partition by PaymentDueDate) as Amount

    from [dbo].[ImportTable]


    StudentUID = @StudentUID

    Create table #Part2


    PlanDetailUID int,

    PaymentDueDate datetime,

    [Description] nvarchar(1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS,

    Amount Decimal(15,2),

    Years int,

    Months int,

    [Days] int,

    MonthDuration int



    --Step 2:

    UPDATE #Part1

    SET @PaymentDueDate = PaymentDueDate WHERE ID = 1

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 1 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).

    Insert into #Part2

    Select Distinct



    (SELECT Years FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Years,

    (SELECT Months FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Months,

    (SELECT [Days] FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS [Days],

    DATEDIFF(MONTH,@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) AS MonthDuration

    FROM #Part1


    StudentUID = @StudentUID


    ID = 1

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 1 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).


    UPDATE #Part1

    SET @PaymentDueDate = PaymentDueDate WHERE ID = 2

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 2 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).

    Insert into #Part2

    Select Distinct



    (SELECT Years FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Years,

    (SELECT Months FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Months,

    (SELECT [Days] FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS [Days],

    DATEDIFF(MONTH,@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) AS MonthDuration

    FROM #Part1


    StudentUID = @StudentUID


    ID = 2

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 2 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).


    UPDATE #Part1

    SET @PaymentDueDate = PaymentDueDate WHERE ID = 3

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 3 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).

    Insert into #Part2

    Select Distinct



    (SELECT Years FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Years,

    (SELECT Months FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Months,

    (SELECT [Days] FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS [Days],

    DATEDIFF(MONTH,@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) AS MonthDuration

    FROM #Part1


    StudentUID = @StudentUID


    ID = 3

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 3 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).


    UPDATE #Part1

    SET @PaymentDueDate = PaymentDueDate WHERE ID = 4

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 4 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).

    Insert into #Part2

    Select Distinct



    (SELECT Years FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Years,

    (SELECT Months FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Months,

    (SELECT [Days] FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS [Days],

    DATEDIFF(MONTH,@PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) AS MonthDuration

    FROM #Part1


    StudentUID = @StudentUID


    ID = 4

    --- the idea would be to replace the ID = 4 with a variable parameter like @ID, or another method

    --- without having to manually specify ID = 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, but not use cursor or while loop.

    --- If you remove where clause then years, months, dates, MonthDuration defaults to the last ID (4).

    -- SELECT * FROM #Part1

    SELECT * FROM #Part2


    -- Below are examples of running the stored procedure for each of the 7 students:

    -- exec usp_TEST1 92208,'2014-11-13'

    -- exec usp_TEST1 162435,'2014-11-13'

    -- exec usp_TEST1 206864,'2014-11-13'

    -- exec usp_TEST1 245308,'2014-11-13'

    -- exec usp_TEST1 263576,'2014-11-13'

    -- exec usp_TEST1 277563,'2014-11-13'

    -- exec usp_TEST1 284574,'2014-11-13'


  • You might be able to do this by using a Tally table. Jeff Moden has a great article on it.

  • All 4 sections of Step 2 are identical except for the "ID =" thing. Why wouldn't you just do the following for the proc?

    create procedure [dbo].[usp_TEST1]

    @StudentUID int,

    @AgingDate datetime



    --Step 1:

    Create table #Part1


    ID int identity(1,1),

    StudentUID int,

    PaymentPlanDetailUID int,

    PaymentDueDate datetime,

    [Description] nvarchar(1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS,

    MinAmountDue Decimal(15,2)


    Insert Into #Part1

    Select Distinct





    sum(MinAmountDue) Over(Partition by PaymentDueDate) as Amount

    from [dbo].[ImportTable]


    StudentUID = @StudentUID

    Create table #Part2


    PlanDetailUID int,

    PaymentDueDate datetime,

    [Description] nvarchar(1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS,

    Amount Decimal(15,2),

    Years int,

    Months int,

    [Days] int,

    MonthDuration int



    --Step 2:

    Insert into #Part2

    Select Distinct



    (SELECT Years FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Years,

    (SELECT Months FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Months,

    (SELECT [Days] FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS [Days],

    DATEDIFF(MONTH,PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) AS MonthDuration

    FROM #Part1


    StudentUID = @StudentUID


    ID IN (1,2,3,4)

    SELECT * FROM #Part2


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • --Step 2:

    Insert into #Part2

    Select Distinct



    (SELECT Years FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Years,

    (SELECT Months FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS Months,

    (SELECT [Days] FROM dbo.ADV_rptage(PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate)) AS [Days],

    DATEDIFF(MONTH,PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) AS MonthDuration

    -- replaced @PaymentDueDate with PaymentDueDate based on Jeff's reply (above)

    FROM #Part1


    StudentUID = @StudentUID

    -- AND ID IN (1,2,3,4) -- removed

    SELECT * FROM #Part2


    With 2 cursors in 2nd proc (original), if I select 9 campuses, query finishes in 4 minutes 10 seconds.

    After removal of 2 cursors from 2nd proc (step 1 and step 2 was 50% of it), if I select 9 campuses, query finishes in 3 minutes 47 seconds.

    After replacement of while loop with cursor in 1st proc (which calls 2nd proc), query finishes in 3 minutes 43 seconds.

    So from 250 minutes to 223 minutes = 27 minutes reduced (i.e. query runs now 11% faster).

    So after all the effort, no real gain.

    Will see if I can incorporate 2nd proc into 1st proc, compare duration.


  • kevin_nikolai (11/25/2014)

    --Step 2:


    With 2 cursors in 2nd proc (original), if I select 9 campuses, query finishes in 4 minutes 10 seconds.

    After removal of 2 cursors from 2nd proc (step 1 and step 2 was 50% of it), if I select 9 campuses, query finishes in 3 minutes 47 seconds.

    After replacement of while loop with cursor in 1st proc (which calls 2nd proc), query finishes in 3 minutes 43 seconds.

    So from 250 minutes to 223 minutes = 27 minutes reduced (i.e. query runs now 11% faster).

    So after all the effort, no real gain.

    Will see if I can incorporate 2nd proc into 1st proc, compare duration.


    11% as a first attempt is not bad. Performance tuning usually involves many incremental steps.

    What determines the campuses?? This isn't referred to in any of the documentation provided. Is it the ID?

    Look up Jeff Moden's splitter function.

    If I understand what you need to do, there may be a whole list of ID's required. So, using this code: AND ID IN (1,2,3,4) , you would replace it with AND EXISTS(SELECT X.ID FROM DelimitedSplit8K('1, 2, 3, 4', ',') X WHERE = StudentUID)

    That makes multiple selects into a single select, assuming that is what you need to do.

    The function ADV_rptage is kind of over kill. Do a cross apply

    CROSS APPLY CROSS APPLY [ADV_rptage](PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) as Dates

    The select would then be:



    And so forth.

    Is "Select Distinct" causing a table scan? Did you look at the execution plan? You populated the table #part1 by using the DISTINCT, the rest of the queries do not need them.

    This is probably not very efficient

    UPDATE #Part1

    SET @PaymentDueDate = PaymentDueDate WHERE ID = 1

    What about:

    SELECT @PaymentDueDate = PaymentDueDate FROM #Part1 WHERE ID = 1

    This may not make much of a difference, but it looks better!

    Lastly, you really do not need temp tables.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Hi Michael.

    Based on Jeff's reply, I no longer do the following:

    UPDATE #Part1

    SET @PaymentDueDate = PaymentDueDate WHERE ID = 1


    I derive ID from:

    Create table #Part1


    ID int identity(1,1)


    *** I no longer use WHERE ID = 1, 2, 3, 4


    Will test your suggestion:

    The function ADV_rptage is kind of over kill. Do a cross apply.

    CROSS APPLY [ADV_rptage](PaymentDueDate,@AgingDate) as Dates

    The select would then be:




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