remove duplicate rows from result set

  • I am trying to extract data from an external source where I have a Productmaster table and a Factorymaster table. Products can be made at more than one factory.

    simplifying the model

    Productmaster contains 2 fields Productcode char(8) and MadebyFactoryKey (int)

    Factorymaster contains Factorykey (int) and PlantName char(20)

    The sql statement I have is

    SELECT DISTINCT P.Productcode,F.PlantName FROM Productmaster P INNER JOIN Factorymaster F ON P.MadeByFactoryKey=F.FactoryKey

    However this returns several rows for each product.

    The output that I want to achieve is one row for each product and where there are more than one madebyfactory, only show the first value.

    Can anyone offer any advice.






  • Hey barcoder,

    Check out this SQL to see if this is what you are looking for or helps you get there:



      PlantName = MIN(F.PlantName)


      Productmaster P INNER JOIN Factorymaster F ON P.MadeByFactoryKey = F.FactoryKey




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