Reading web page

  • Hello Everyone,

    I want to read the content on web page and store into a table, is that possible in SQL SERVER 2000?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Hi, what do you mean? 

    Do you need certain data from a page or do you want to store like HTML docs in the database?

    Can you do whatever you want using like a VBscript? Then create an SQL Server Agent job of a type ActiveX Script, check an option for the appropriate language (VBscript, Jscript, Other), type in you script and schedule it.

    You can also schedule any executable: exe, asp and more.

    Or get a content as XML and use OpenXML. Click on OpenXML in the Books Online index and there will be some examples how to update your tables. But you have to have XML data.

    But better, ask the page owner if they provide a web service.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • if the web page is in XML, then it is very easy to read that file , it will be read like a table.


    u can every query that page

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  • Thanks for your response.

    I want to read a table on page and store into table. Where can i get vb script and xml examples?.


    Thanks again.

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