RE: xp_cmdshell and rcmd

  • Hi,

    I need to run a batch file on a remote server--testserver, so  I first assigned a domain account with local admin rights to sqlservice on both boxes and then used xp_cmdshell and rcmd to run that command like this:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'rcmd \\testserver  c:\test.bat'


    However, I always get this error : Error:8 - Internal error = 109

    Can someone tell me what's wrong?

    Thanks in advance.



  • try

    exec remoteserver.master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'test.bat'.

    you shoud add it as a linked server.

  • It worked. However, my problem is that the remote server doesn't have SQL installed. Is there anything else I can try?


    Thanks again for your time.

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