Question about Table Sequence script

  • For this script "Use DELETE On Many Tables With Foreign Keys"

    Does anybody have more info on the parameters of sp_MSdependencies. This script will not work on SQL7 but dropping last param will allow it to work

    This works: sp_MSdependencies NULL, 3, NULL, NULL

    I'm just not sure what the params are and the impact of using the above in SQL7

    any help appreciated.


    Brian Lockwood

    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • there are only 3 params...

    sp_MSobject_dependencies name = NULL, type = NULL, flags = 0x01fd

    name: name or null (all objects of type)

    type: type number (see below) or null

    if both null, get all objects in database

    flags is a bitmask of the following values:

    0x10000 = return multiple parent/child rows per object

    0x20000 = descending return order

    0x40000 = return children instead of parents

    0x80000 = Include input object in output result set

    0x100000 = return only firstlevel (immediate) parents/children

    0x200000 = return only DRI dependencies

    power(2, object type number(s)) to return in results set:

    0 (1 - 0x0001) - UDF

    1 (2 - 0x0002) - system tables or MS-internal objects

    2 (4 - 0x0004) - view

    3 (8 - 0x0008) - user table

    4 (16- 0x0010) - procedure

    5 (32- 0x0020) - log

    6 (64 - 0x0040) - default

    7 (128- 0x0080) - rule

    8 (256- 0x0100) - trigger

    12 (1024- 0x0400) - uddt


    29 (0x011c) - trig, view, user table, procedure

    448(0x00c1) - rule, default, datatype

    4606 (0x11fd) - all but systables/objects

    4607 (0x11ff) - all

  • thx for reply.

    when I run sp_helptext on SQL7 I get the 4 params

    create procedure sp_MSdependencies

    @objname nvarchar(517) = null,

    @objtype int = null,

    @flags int = 0x01fd,

    @objlist nvarchar(128) = null

    as ...

    When I run on SQL2K I get 5

    create procedure sp_MSdependencies

    @objname nvarchar(517) = null,

    @objtype int = null,

    @flags int = 0x01fd,

    @objlist nvarchar(128) = null,

    @intrans int = null ...

    but my bigger problem now is that I can not execute the call using ADO on SQL7. It fires without error but returns and invalid recordset using this syntax in VB:

    objrs.Open strSQL, g_objCn,adOpenDynamic,adLockReadOnly

    Does anyone have VB/ADO syntax that works to execute this against SQL 7 (not SQL 2K which works fine)

    sp_MSdependencies NULL, 3, NULL, NULL

    Brian Lockwood

    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • here is some additional info from one of my developers


    I have tried "sp_MSdependencies NULL, 3, NULL, NULL"

    on both sql7.0 and sql2000. It has worked normal.

    But if you have a problem with the 4 param you can

    omit it because it has the default value "NULL".

    "sp_MSdependencies NULL, 3, NULL" works.

    A problem may be with the cursor "adOpenDynamic" because

    dyn cursor need the primary or unique key. But the temporary

    table, which builds output recordset inside this sp, doesn't

    contain neither primary key nor unique key. I propose to change

    "adOpenDynamic" to "adStatic".


    but it still didn't solve the problem ...

    Brian Lockwood

    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

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