Query sort question

  • I am having trouble figuring out how to properly sort the results of a query that takes daily entries and summarizes them by month over a period. I used the DATENAME function to group the records by month/year, but that creates a text result that I cannot sort chronologically (oldest to newest). The query I am using looks something like this (some table joins and WHERE clause omitted):


     DATENAME(month, referral.referral_date) + ' ' + DATENAME(year, referral.referral_date) AS Period,

     AVG(DATEDIFF(d, A.[First Contact], referral.referral_date)) AS Ref_time


     referral INNER JOIN ih_referral ON referral.referral_ID = ih_referral.referral_ID


     ih_referral.referral_ID) A ON referral.referral_ID = A.referral_ID

    GROUP BY CONVERT(char(4), DATEPART(yyyy, referral.referral_date)) + CONVERT(char(2), DATEPART(mm, referral.referral_date)),  DATENAME(month, referral.referral_date) + ' ' + DATENAME(year, referral.referral_date)

    The result set needed looks like this:

    Period              Ref_Time     Ref_Count

    August 2006     25               345

    August 2005     18               421

    July 2006          7                456


    I need to sort this result set chronologically by period. Obviously a field not used in the SELECT can't be used in the ORDER BY clause.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  • >>Obviously a field not used in the SELECT can't be used in the ORDER BY clause.

    Put your SELECT into a Derived Table and add on 1 extra column

    as a sort key. Order by the SortKey in the outer SELECT:

    SELECT Period, Ref_Time




        DATENAME(month, referral.referral_date) + ' ' + DATENAME(year, referral.referral_date) AS Period,

        AVG(DATEDIFF(d, A.[First Contact], referral.referral_date)) AS Ref_time,

        MIN(referral.referral_date) As SortKey


        referral INNER JOIN ih_referral ON referral.referral_ID = ih_referral.referral_ID

      GROUP BY

        DATENAME(month, referral.referral_date) + ' ' + DATENAME(year, referral.referral_date)

    ) dt

    ORDER BY SortKey

  • Perfect! Thanks so much.


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