Query Problem when Updating temporary table

  • Hi,

    I am trying to update a temporary table and am returning the wrong result.

    My 2 tables are








    Item,Destination,Start_Date,End_Date, Cost,Source

    P12000,BUR,2010-01-01,2010-12-31,4.75,South East

    P12000,BUR,2011-01-01,2012-12-31,4.75,South East





    My code is:

    UPDATE @tmpOutput

    SET MarketPriceSource = (SELECT TOP 1 hr.Source

    FROM Market_Prices..Market_Prices_Haulage_Rate hr WITH( NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN @tmpOutput t1 ON

    t1.ItemId = hr.Item

    AND t1.W_house = hr.Destination

    WHERE t1.StartDate >= hr.Start_Date

    AND t1.EndDate <= hr.End_Date

    AND t1.MarketPriceSource = 'Missing'

    AND t1.CollectGoods = 0)

    But in the above example I need to return 'Glasgow' but am getting a different result.

    Any ideas please?

    Thanks in advance,

  • You will need an ORDER BY in your sub-query for the TOP 1 to work poperly.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • You're going about it wrong.

    Try this


    --Sample data

    SELECT ItemId, MarketPriceSource, StartDate, EndDate, CollectGoods, W_house

    INTO #tmpOutput

    FROM (SELECT 'P12000', 'Missing', '2012-05-01', '2012-05-31', 0, 'CUP'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P12000', 'Missing', '2012-06-01', '2012-06-30', 0, 'CUP'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P12000', 'Missing', '2012-07-01', '2012-07-31', 0, 'CUP') a(ItemId, MarketPriceSource, StartDate, EndDate, CollectGoods, W_house)

    --Sample data

    SELECT Item, Destination, Start_Date, End_Date, Cost, Source

    INTO #Market_Prices_Haulage_Rate

    FROM (SELECT 'P12000', 'BUR', '2010-01-01', '2010-12-31', 4.75, 'South East'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P12000', 'BUR', '2011-01-01', '2012-12-31', 4.75, 'South East'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P12000', 'CUL', '2010-01-01', '2010-12-31', 5.7, 'Portbury'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P12000', 'CUL', '2011-01-01', '2012-12-31', 5.7, 'Portbury'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P12000', 'CUP', '2010-01-01', '2010-12-31', 7.5, 'Glasgow'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P12000', 'CUP', '2011-01-01', '2012-12-31', 8.1, 'Glasgow') a(Item, Destination, Start_Date, End_Date, Cost, Source)

    --Update table

    UPDATE t1

    SET t1.MarketPriceSource = hr.Source

    FROM #Market_Prices_Haulage_Rate hr

    INNER JOIN #tmpOutput t1 ON t1.ItemId = hr.Item AND t1.W_house = hr.Destination

    WHERE t1.StartDate >= hr.Start_Date

    AND t1.EndDate <= hr.End_Date

    AND t1.MarketPriceSource = 'Missing'

    AND t1.CollectGoods = 0

    --Check result

    SELECT * FROM #tmpOutput


    ItemId MarketPriceSource StartDate EndDate CollectGoods W_house

    ------ ----------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ -------

    P12000 Glasgow 2012-05-01 2012-05-31 0 CUP

    P12000 Glasgow 2012-06-01 2012-06-30 0 CUP

    P12000 Glasgow 2012-07-01 2012-07-31 0 CUP



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