Query based on column name / setting up database table help

  • Hi all,

    I was hoping that someone could provide some advice regarding the following dilemma; I have a set of data spread across a number of tables regarding stock market data. An example of this follows:

    Market Capitalisation...

    Date CompA CompB

    01/01/11 100 5

    02/01/11 102 4

    Share Price....

    Date CompA CompB

    01/01/11 100 100

    02/01/11 101 99

    Event Data...

    Date Company

    01/01/11 CompA

    02/01/11 CompB

    Pretty simply, I need a way to retrieve the market capitalisation and share price data based on the event data. So for instance I say 'oh, there is an event on the 01/01/11 involving company A, the market capitalisation on this day was 100, then for the next event it was 4 for company B.

    Does anyone have any ideas of the best way to do this? I can also transpose the data so that the company name is in the rows and the dates in the columns for the market cap and share price tables, but this leads to the issue that when I try and get the data, I don't know how to query the correct company for that date.

    For instance:

    SELECT Event.Date, Event.Company

    FROM Event

    how do I now say.....

    SELECT MarketCapitalisation.Column

    WHERE Column = Event.Company

    AND MarketCapitalisation.Date = Event.Date.

    I have played around with a few basic joins, but I am having issue with the principle of that second to last line of SQL (so only getting the correct column).

    I still have a copy of the data in excel so can flip things around as needed, but that would only mean that I would have the issue of WHERE Column = Event.Date instead of Event.Company.

    Does anyone have any ideas that might help? (sorry for my bad SQL'ness)


  • You need to modify the table Event Data , Add MC.CompA values if you want to filter depending on CompA values or if you need to select by CompB values need to add that field in ED table.

    Something like query

    select MC.*,SP.*,Ed.* from MarketCap MC

    inner Join SharePrice SP

    ON MC.CompA=SP.CompA

    Inner Join EventData ED

    On MC.CompA=ED.Range(CompAvalue)='100'

    Or MC.CompB/SP.CompB=ED.Range(CompBValue)='5'


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