query and compare values in a text based column

  • drew.allen (10/7/2016)

    niall5098 (10/7/2016)

    HI There,

    it looks like sql but is actually text

    We said it was XML, not SQL, and XML IS text, but in a very specific format. Even if it's not XML, it contains XML and you can trick SQL into treating it as XML, which is going to be a lot easier than any other method. We would still need a sample of the data.


    duh. Stupid me. I forget that stuff sometimes. Thanks for the correction.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
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  • Try the following.


    INSERT @t (doc)





    <provider_spells />








    SELECT f.fields.value('old_pmetd_refno[1]/text()[1]', 'INT'), f.fields.value('new_pmetd_refno[1]/text()[1]', 'INT')

    FROM @t

    CROSS APPLY doc.nodes('/AUDITS/Fields') f(fields)


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • HI Drew,

    that's the output I want. thanks for that code. the thing is getting to that point.

    i need to populate the table (@t TABLE(doc XML) with all new rows from the original table\column for the last 24 hours and then query that data to get the above output.

    is it possible to declare the temp table, and populate it using an insert into statement?

  • niall5098 (10/7/2016)

    Hi There,

    please see example of data below:












    Jeez... as a bit of a sidebar, someone needs to find the "developer" that created all that and put them out of their misery. What a huge and ridiculous waste of space and resource usage for something that should have been flat data.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • niall5098 (10/13/2016)

    HI Drew,

    that's the output I want. thanks for that code. the thing is getting to that point.

    i need to populate the table (@t TABLE(doc XML) with all new rows from the original table\column for the last 24 hours and then query that data to get the above output.

    is it possible to declare the temp table, and populate it using an insert into statement?

    Only if the table has a column that identifies the date and time of when the audit row was created.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • HI Jeff,

    the original table does have a modified column so the idea is I would querying for data which has a modified date > getdate()-1

  • niall5098 (10/13/2016)

    HI Jeff,

    the original table does have a modified column so the idea is I would querying for data which has a modified date > getdate()-1

    I'm certainly not an XML expert but I believe that all you need to do is add the appropriate WHERE clause and, perhaps, the date/time column to the select list for reference, to Drew's good code and you have the full result set you want. You can add an INTO #table name to direct the result set to a new Temp Table or pre-create it and use INSERT/SELECT to populate it.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Jeez... as a bit of a sidebar, someone needs to find the "developer" that created all that and put them out of their misery. What a huge and ridiculous waste of space and resource usage for something that should have been flat data.

    Amen! In a well-designed system, we do not mix languages together. Each one has a purpose, a domain and is to for that purpose and domain. Mixing them together like this screws up everybody.

    There used to be a gag greeting card many years ago that began with a cartoon Chinese guy on the front page, and the caption "remember the old Chinese saying" and you opened the card, you are greeted with a whole page of bizarre Chinese characters. I have the feeling those characters were like the exhibit currently at the Blanton Museum here in Austin (Xu Bing: Book from the Sky).

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  • HI All,

    thanks for the help. I got a solution which seems to work so I'll put it here in case someone else has the issue:

    SELECT top 10 full_record,

    CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('<new_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) > 0 THEN

    CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<new_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<new_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4) <> SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<old_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<old_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4) THEN 'Diff'

    ELSE 'Same' END

    ELSE 'No Payment methods Changed' END as Result,

    SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<new_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<new_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4) as newpayment,

    SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<old_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<old_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4) as oldpayment

    FROM [dbo].[EXTRACTS]

    WHERE CHARINDEX('<new_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) > 0 and MODIF_DTTM > GETDATE() -7

    AND SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<new_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<new_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4) <> '</ne' --When blank

    AND SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<old_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<old_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4) <> '</ol' --When blank

    AND SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<new_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<new_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4) <> SUBSTRING(full_record, CHARINDEX('<old_PMETD_REFNO>', full_record) + LEN('<old_PMETD_REFNO>'), 4)

  • Why did you abandon the XML approach? It performs better than manipulating the strings.

    I did notice that the sample XML data you provided does not match the case of the fields in your "solution". XML is case-sensitive, so the cases need to match.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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