Pro Developer : Throwing Money Out the Window

  • Good points. I might also add that more developers need to learn humility and learn to detach themselves.

    I too often find developers who commit to a plan without being willing to change or thinking of (or considering) alternatives. I find them convincing managers and then I have two battles to fight.

    Be willing to admit you made a bad choice and don't paint you and your manager into a corner. The manager does often rely upon you to make the "right" decision, but there usually isn't one. There are better and worse ones, but no "right" one.

    Steve Jones

  • Excellent Advice Steve, and I think that its an area that is all to often overlooked. It's what I've termed the PRIDE FACTOR. I make a point of mentioning it to all the members of my team when welcoming a new member as well. Regardless of how long someone's been working with anything, there will always be a different point of view that should be given the proper consideration.

    Another side to it is something else I try hard to keep in mind, and that is that the longer you work with something, the more a person's natural tendency becomes to decide that your knowledge is the "Correct" way to go about it, whether its an accurrate viewpoint or not. After a while, that turns into tunnel vision, and rigid thinking. This can prevent the learning of new ways of looking at things. You must make an effort to truly listen, and try to understand ANY new ideas presented, in my opinion, especially when it doesn't match your own. The person presenting this new idea, most likely has a reason for believing it, or wouldn't present it to start with. I have found over the years that after looking at something for a while, a person tends to view it in a particular way, and the introduction of a new concept or method of going about it, whether right or wrong, can give you perspective to see things you may never have before. I believe that this applies to ANY learning, not just programming or managing, but with an open attitude, and a willingness to listen, all involved parties have a SERIOUSLY expanded capacity for success.

    After going back and reading over this thread again, I've about decided we need to rename the thread, The "definitive" guide to success in The technical arena. Are there ANY points that haven't been introduced and bantered about? LMAO.

    Chris, I wish my article had generated half as much discussion as yours. Great topic.

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