Preventing database blocking in SQL 2000

  • Hello,

    How does one go about diagnosing a situation where on occasion a SQL 2000 database server locks up and anywhere from one to dozens of processes get blocked? In some cases, I am seeing processes blocking themselves, and although sometimes the blocking resolves itself, at other times the processes remain blocked and require manual intervention to kill the blocking process.

    I'm not sure there's anyway to completely prevent this kind of problem, but at least I would like to know what is causing the situations that don't resolve themselves and at least minimizing or eliminating those. Specifically, I want to know how one can log the blocking activity and isolate any specific queries or procedures that are causing the blocking and (if possible) the series of processes that led up to the blocking.

    Thanks in advance for any help.



    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • code using improperly disposed cursors can cause blocking. Study your procedures.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • Processes do not really block themselves as such.  In Sp4 they made a change so things look like they do ...

  • The process is not really blocking itself - one thread of the process is blocking another thread of the same process.  There will be one thread that is either the root or blocked by another process.  You can follow the blocking chain to find the root.  Once you examine the root, you'll know what type of problem you have.  If the root is idle, an open transaction is likely the problem - perhaps an old application has a window open that locks data.  (We have an old OMNIS program that does this.  It will be replaced soon.)  I've seen badly written queries result in parallism, CXPACKET waits, and many locks.  These queries can finish quickly or take many minutes, depending on resources.  Perhaps somebody is running a large ad hoc report or, worse, using EM to look at data. 

    It's not always easy to be watching at just the right time.  I've set up a job to check each minute for blocking > 15 seconds - very little overhead.  It will log process and lock info if there is a blockage.  Another process sends an email with the logged process and lock info.  It's handy. 

    RandyHelpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • Thanks to everyone for the advice.

    rstone - would you be willing to share the details of the job you created that runs every 15 sconds and logs/emails info? At least that might allow me to see whether there is one query that is the same culprit over and over again, or if it is different ones (we have many systems and many I did not write myself but are written by other parties even though they run on our servers). The logging you describe sounds like it would let us know what we are up against.

    I also found this link that I intend to read through as soon as possible.

    Thanks again!



    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • Much of the code has been hacked from stuff I've found here on sqlservercentral.  It would only be fair for me to share it; however, I will need to check with my boss. 

    I've created a command file to do the install - we also have many servers.  It installs a "DBA" database and three jobs.  One job monitors for blocking and logs blocking info.  One job logs waitstats info.  The last job handles email of blocking reports (blocking, blocking change, and blocking resolved).  An attachment includes process and lock info for the root and blocked processes.  The processing time is generally between ~10 ms (no blocking) and ~ 300ms (blocking).  I scheduled the blocking monitor job to run each minute.  The monitor will only alert if there is at least one blocking lasting more than 15 seconds. 

    Send me a private message - so I can have your email address - and I'll see what I can do next week.  If it works out (and the code's clean enough), perhaps I can put out in the public domain. 

    RandyHelpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • Hi,

    Incidentally, I am facing the EXACT issue webrunner is facing and right now I am searching for the same script that you offered in your last post. Have you been able to release the script?



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  • I'm not sure I totaly agree with you guys on processes not being able to block themselves.  A process can show up as blocking iteself when there is network or disk bottlenecks.  You'll need to look at the process wait type to see what is causing the block.   It's obvious that you are made aware when these situations arise as you've stated that you must take manual action.  The next time this happens, run SQLDiag.exe prior to killing the offending process.  You can then refer to the locking/blocking section of the output and see which process is the head blocker.  You'll also be able to look at the locks that process has and the last statement that process has submitted to SQL Server.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I'm working on it in my spare time - which is short today. 

    RandyHelpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • There is always a bottleneck.  Waiting on resources is normal in any process that is not blocked.  The root blocker can be idle, running, or waiting on a resource and not be blocked.  The process is blocked only if all its threads are blocked - not just waiting.  At least one of the threads will not be blocked by another thread in the same process.  If a blocking chain does become closed (e.g., no unblocked root), SQL Server issues a deadlock.  I've never heard of a deadlock within one process.  Within one process, locks are not relevant because all threads belong to the same transaction.  Perhaps a badly behaving resource could do it?  SQL Server would have to be able to detect the deadlock within the resource. 

    RandyHelpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • I know the feeling. Looking forward to getting the script if you can post it.

    Thanks again!



    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • Hi!

    Self blocking is beacuse the process need to wait

    for it own processes (paralel processes,

    pages-i/o disk bottleneck) check out the

    syslockinfo system table and the lastwaittype column.

    -This link can be helpful to understand waittype.

    Description of the waittype and lastwaittype columns in the master.dbo.sysprocesses table in SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005

    -Another useful link: it does report the

    locking activity on your sql, simple sp that

    can be run as a schedule trace.

    How to monitor blocking in SQL Server 2005

    and in SQL Server 2000

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