Plotting data

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Plotting data

  • I don't see how plot or barplot can be differentiated in terms of the requirement to "graph his home runs over time showing the count of each relative to the others". As far as I can see both the scatter chart and bar chart meet the same requirement? I do understand why the other two are wrong though

  • I'd never come across R until Steve started using it for QOTD.
    Looks like a an interesting language.

  • Michael Riemer - Wednesday, July 19, 2017 2:01 AM

    I don't see how plot or barplot can be differentiated in terms of the requirement to "graph his home runs over time showing the count of each relative to the others". As far as I can see both the scatter chart and bar chart meet the same requirement? I do understand why the other two are wrong though

    I fully agree. You see the same information in both, just shown in a slightly different way. One is just a dot, the other a bar.

  • Michael Riemer - Wednesday, July 19, 2017 2:01 AM

    I don't see how plot or barplot can be differentiated in terms of the requirement to "graph his home runs over time showing the count of each relative to the others". As far as I can see both the scatter chart and bar chart meet the same requirement? I do understand why the other two are wrong though


  • Agreed. I don't think of a scatterplot as a graph, but technically it is. Poorly worded question.

    Updated answer choices and awarded points back.

  • qcc (HankAaron, Type = "c")
    C chart show the first and last two results as outliers.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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