Perpetual Total - calculate difference between first and last value

  • Hi,

    I'm having to calculate a daily total tons from a continually incrementing number  for a few products.

    I capture these increasing totals every 15 mins ,

    I'm look at the best way to use a select query to achieve this, and  thinking I need to use the first entry for the day at Datetime ('2021-09-07 00:00:00.000')   and subtract it from the last value (Top 1)    of the same day. or do some type on min /max

    eg:   (Last Value = 1500)   -    (Value at '00:00:00.000' = 1000)   = 500

    Ive tried this and not getting the results.

    any guidance would be great. - Thanks

    ---- Total Tons produced Today-------

    Case when product = 'Prod-1' then max(Tonsproduced) - Min(Tonsproduced)
    Case when product = 'Prod-2' then max(Tonsproduced) - Min(Tonsproduced)
    Case when product = 'Prod-3' then max(Tonsproduced) - Min(Tonsproduced)
    else 0 end as tonproduced
    FROM [dbo].[tons_produced]
    where meshtype in ( 'Prod-1', 'Prod-2', 'Prod-2')
    and datetime >= dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, dbo.GetDateCDT(GETDATE())), 0)
    group by product, tonsproduced
    --order by 3,2, 1





  • The function dbo.GetDateCDT(GETDATE())) returns the 'Central Standard Time' (which adjusts for DST afaik) as date?  These lines are equivalent?

    -- returns Central Time truncated to date?
    select dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, dbo.GetDateCDT(getdate())), 0);

    -- returns Central Time truncated to date
    select cast(getdate() at time zone 'Central Standard Time' as date);

    In the WHERE clause 'Prod-2' is listed twice in the condition applied to 'meshtype'.  It should be 'Prod-3'?

    Maybe something like this

    select product, max(Tonsproduced)-min(Tonsproduced) as tonproduced 
    from [dbo].[tons_produced]
    where meshtype in ('Prod-1', 'Prod-2', 'Prod-3')
    and datetime >= cast(getdate() at time zone 'Central Standard Time' as date)
    group by product
    order by product;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • yes, that GetDateCDT is a  function to get CST.

    My question was really more about how to deal with the start and end totals.  and how to to work CASE WHEN with the various products.

    so if I use the min/max , how would that work if I query a range of days like ,

    where datetime between @start and @end

    How  would we group them by Day ?   , would min/max  work in this case ?









  • Suppose an offset day variable '@day_offset' is declared and then subtracted from GETDATE().  To get a daily report you could CAST the 'datetime' column into 'date' using CROSS APPLY (VALUES ...) DY(DT) and add it to the GROUP BY clause.  If this doesn't work then some sample data would be helpful 🙂

    @day_offset int=14,
    @tz sysname=N'Central Standard Time';

    select tp.product, dy.dt, max(tp.Tonsproduced)-min(tp.Tonsproduced) as tonproduced
    from [dbo].[tons_produced] tp
    cross apply (values (cast(tp.[datetime] as date))) dy(dt)
    where tp.meshtype in ('Prod-1', 'Prod-2', 'Prod-3')
    and tp.[datetime] >= cast(getdate() -@day_offset at time zone @tz as date)
    group by tp.product, dy.dt
    order by tp.product, dy.dt;


    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • I suspect you need to use the FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() windowed functions but without test data it is difficult to say.

    With over 800 points you should know how to post questions by now.

  • Agreed, I should have given data and the Table code please see below...

    Thanks !

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tons_produced](
    [datetime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [whsecd] [int] NOT NULL,
    [plant] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [meshtype] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [tonsproduced] [decimal](18, 10) NULL,
    [datetime] ASC,
    [whsecd] ASC,
    [plant] ASC,
    [meshtype] ASC




    here is some table data to help....


    SELECT 'Sep  8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','40/140','314.5415649414', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','40/70','0.0000000000', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','Non Frac','2944.8012695311', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','P-40/140','12738.6035156250', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','P-40/70','5402.2673339843', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','P-50/140','13100.4667968750', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','P-Raw Sand A','23137.7656250000', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','P-Raw Sand B','19721.0429687500', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','P-Reject A','1020.1834716796', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','P-Reject B','678.4140625000', UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Sep 8 2021 11:45AM','211','San Antonio','Waste','59.5177726745', UNION ALL
  • Your data is a bit wonky, but maybe something along these lines?

    SELECT meshtype,

    [datetime] as stamp,


    theDate = CAST([datetime] AS DATE),

    theTime = CAST([datetime] AS TIME)

    -- fv = first_value([datetime]) OVER (PARTITION BY meshtype ORDER BY [datetime]),

    -- lv = last_value([datetime]) OVER (PARTITION BY meshtype ORDER BY [datetime])

    FROM tons_produced

    ORDER BY meshtype, [datetime];

    If you split date and time, you can get the first value and last value for each date, and then this is trivial.

    lv - fv is your daily amount. But there must be a catch because that looks waaaay too simple.

  • Thanks ,  I ran your query and it doesn't capture exactly what I need.....

    So obviously there are multiple records per day for each product,  in fact every 15 mins the total increments.

    The challenge  is trying to get the  LV  (TonsProduced)  minus  FV (TonsProduced) Total for the day per product that can span over a range of days  (where datetime between @start and @end)

    Ideally, Id like to put it in my current below format similar to what I have now.  except I basically need to figure out how to get that Total TonsProduced LV-FV  calculated.



    The below query is something I use currently on a different set of data table.


    ---- Total Tons produced -------

    DATEPART (d, datetime) AS Day,
    DATEPART (m, datetime) AS Month,
    DATEPART (YYYY, datetime) AS Year,
    case when meshtype = '100 mesh' then '50/140' else meshtype end as meshtype,
    sum(tonsperhour) TonsProduced

    from tons_per_hour

    --datetime between @start and @end
    datetime >= dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, dbo.GetDateCDT(GETDATE())), 0)

    and datepart(mi, datetime)in (0)
    and datepart(ss, datetime)=0
    --and datediff(d, datetime, getdate()) <=60

    group by

    meshtype, DATEPART (d, datetime),
    DATEPART (m, datetime) ,
    DATEPART (yyyy, datetime)
    --, tonsperhour, datetime
    --order by 3,2, 1
  • Got it .....


    I ended up using the min/max totals and some grouping


    thanks for the help.

  • Great! Could you post the solution you came up with?

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