permissions on tables

  • I have 2 tables in a database that cannot be accessed through the application unless I give the sql account the role of system admin. I can use Query Analyzer and Access to insert, update, or delete but not the application. The application returns a message that user does not have permission to perform the operation on this table. The sql account has the database role of datawriter. I created the tables 3 days ago but the database was created a month ago. Any help is appreciated.

  • There must be something else. There is no reason that a user needs SysAdmin to write to a table. Have you checked that there are not overriding "DENY" permissions somewhere in a role?

  • I have no overriding "DENY" permissions. I even dropped and recreated the tables to see if that would correct the issue. That is when I added the SysAdmin to see if I could trouble shoot it. When that worked I was really thrown for a loop.

  • Hmm... if it's just the application that can't access those tables, couldn't there be some issue with table ownership (e.g. all other tables your application uses having owner BBQ, while your new tables have owner MAC)? Most probable is that you created the new tables as DBO, while the application calls any table by default with some other owner. If this is the problem, change ownership of the tables and everything will be fine! It is always hard to find out, when you don't know the application, so we can only guess...

    HTH, Vladan

  • All of the tables are owned by dbo. Even if I give the table explicit permissions to the tables, the application still cannot access them.

  • When you test in query analyzer, are you using the same loginid that the app uses?

  • Yes - I use the same login id and password the app is using when I tested through Query Analyzer and Access.

  • Have you verified that the login is the same through Profiler? Try tracing the application access to the objects and verify the login being used.

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