output query results to specific file format

  • If I needed to try to output the results of a query to a file with the following format:

    columns trimmed of whitespace and delimited by ; (last column not followed by delimiter)

    rows delimited by CRLF

    what (besides concatenating and trimming the columns into one large, ;-delimited column manually) and then bcp-ing the results of that query, are my options? Tried osql with the query, but it does not trim the columns, even with rtrim and ltrim (note: some of these columns are variable-length, some are integers, etc.)

    -- http://dbachman.blogspot.com

  • Try it with bcp.exe, RTRIMming your fixed length CHAR columns, such as:

      bcp "select id, rtrim(name), email_address from test..contacts" queryout contacts.txt -c  -t; -T
  • That did it - for some reason I looked at BOL's command options and all I saw were the ones that defaulted the delimiters to spaces. Thank you thank you!

    -- http://dbachman.blogspot.com

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