Other Undocumented Stored procedures??

  • I've used a few of these in the past and found them extremely useful (found them in many codes examples on this site). Also, found this link - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Administering/sql2000/521/ - which documents other ones that I didn't know about. Does anyone know of any others that exist or have a definitive list of all the "undocumented" stored procs?? And why doesn't MS document these but allow us to find them (and use them)??

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • tosscrosby (3/4/2008)

    ...And why doesn't MS document these but allow us to find them (and use them)??

    You should ask Microsoft that question.

  • I know MicroSoft says these are for internal use and are subject to change without notice causing undesired behaviors (see article by Brian Moran - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/abouttn/flash/tips/tips_081705.mspx) but some of these are great, such as sp_MSforeachdb and sp_MSforeachtable. Wouldn't it seem to make sense to incorporate these into standard, delivered system stored procs, thereby enhancing the product? I'm sure there are many of us that would kill for some of their cool tools that would make our lives so much easier. Anyway, enough ranting. The real point of the topic was to find out if there are other undocumented stored procs out there that people have come across and found useful?

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

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