OpenRowSet from a network path

  • Hi i have a situation i am executing the below query.

    I need to input the file from a remote location  or a network path... like \\james\city.xls

    james is a comuter name...

    How can i do this?

    select *

    from OpenRowSet (

        'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0; DATABASE=\\James\City.xls'

        , 'select * from [Sheet1$]'


    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • Well, the example works just fine from a local path, so I assume that it should work just fine from a remote as well, providing you have the proper permissions in place etc regarding the servers service account. (Haven't tried with a remote path, though)

    Have you tried it?


  • This works !

    with back slash \\


    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

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