OLEDB Connection

  • Hello,

    I'm using an dsn-less OLEDB connection to connect my ASP pages to a remote SQL Server 2K DB. The connection and website is working fine on our development environment, which is on a NT system. The structure of our production environment is the same except when I copied my ASP files over to production I can no longer access the database and get the following message.

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'

    [DBNMPNTW]Specified SQL server not found.

    I'm using the following statement to connect to SQL Server:

    Conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SJ-ISPI01; Initial Catalog=DBName; User Id=MyUsers; Password=xxxxxx;

    Does anyone have any suggestions why the connection would not work. No database or code changes, just copy and pasted the file.

    Thank You,


  • I am sure you would have taken care of this of changing the connection string so that it points to the production server.

    Secondly is the Web Server and SQL server installed on the same machine...If not; Is the SQL Server Machine exposed to the web Server.

  • The production webserver is pointing to the correct sql server. what do you mean by exposing my web server to the sql server? I thought by stating the username and password within the OlEDB connection statement I was doing that. Should I be doing something else also?

  • I ended up updating the MDAC and Microsoft Jet files.

  • What kind of network library enabled on your SQL server?.



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