Non-yielding Scheduler every 30 days

  • I have problem with SQL Server 2019. Of course I have new update 2019.150.4322.2 from August 2023 but problem stil exist. SQL Server 2019 Standard. OS Windows 11 PRO. Machine Dell 7910 2xXeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz. Dozen cores. Database size about 1GB (about 20 users). Every month between 26th and 28th without any reason SQL Server crashed STOP and START few times with dumping some files and finall error message "Non-yielding Scheduler". Stange that this error happen only one per month. Users told me that they can not connect and after some time database work fine for next few minutes. Best solution is restart PC ... but next month the same problem happen. My hard discs are fine (SSD NVME), Windows 11 PRO and SQL Standard 2019 have latest updates. I don't have idea what to check and what to do next.

    Windows error message:

    Error package 1308003314336149797, type 5
    Event name: SQLException64
    Answer: Not available
    CAB File ID: 0

    Problem signature:
    P1: sqlservr.exe
    P3: 0000000000000000
    Q4: sqlllang.dll
    Q5: 2019.150.4316.3
    P6: 000000006479414E
    Q7: 0
    P8: 00000000010074A0
    P9: 0000000000000158

    Included files:
    \\?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLSERVER2019\MSSQL\Log\SQLDump0010.mdmp
    \\?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLSERVER2019\MSSQL\Log\SQLDump0010.txt
    \\?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLSERVER2019\MSSQL\Log\SQLDump0010.log

    These files may be available here:

    Analysis symbol:
    Re-searching for a solution: 0
    Report ID: ebbab210-b557-4fbd-922e-2f3ba0dbd546
    Report status: 2147487744
    Bundle hash value: 38d0a63c97e51df89226f615940a3125
    CAB file GUID: 0

    I attached decodecd last 2 mdmp dum files by WIndows Debugging Tool.

    DUMP 1

    Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.755 AMD64
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Loading Dump File [D:\zz\SQLDump0011.mdmp]
    Comment: 'Stack Trace'
    Comment: 'Stalled IOCP Listener'
    Comment: '<Identity><Element key="BranchName" val="sql2019_rtm_qfe-cu21"/><Element key="OfficialBuild" val="true"/><Element key="BuildFlavor" val="Release (GoldenBits)"/><Element key="QBuildGuid" val="7cb56c91-0357-a391-53fb-a281857d3561"/><Element key="QBuildSyncChangeset" val="0e46d94e64c94bd7946b9b35ab5e158454cfcbb4"/></Identity>'
    User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

    Symbol search path is: srv*
    Executable search path is:
    Windows 10 Version 22000 MP (36 procs) Free x64
    Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS
    Edition build lab: 22000.1.amd64fre.co_release.210604-1628
    Machine Name:
    Debug session time: Mon Aug 28 10:33:06.000 2023 (UTC + 2:00)
    System Uptime: 7 days 16:09:02.073
    Process Uptime: 7 days 16:09:11.000
    Loading unloaded module list
    This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
    The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
    (1640.24a4): Unknown exception - code 00002000 (first/second chance not available)
    For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
    00007ffd`abc23cb4 c3 ret
    0:060> !analyze -v
    * *
    * Exception Analysis *
    * *

    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for sqlservr.exe
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for sqldk.dll
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for sqlmin.dll
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for hkengine.dll
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for sqllang.dll
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for XPStar.DLL


    Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 440515

    Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisManager
    Value: Create

    Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 508204

    Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 4171

    Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 37083

    Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 439

    Key : CLR.BuiltBy
    Value: NET481REL1LAST_B

    Key : CLR.Engine
    Value: CLR

    Key : CLR.Version
    Value: 4.8.9167.0

    Key : Timeline.OS.Boot.DeltaSec
    Value: 662942

    Key : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec
    Value: 662951

    Key : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: co_release

    Key : WER.OS.Timestamp
    Value: 2021-06-04T16:28:00Z

    Key : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.22000.1

    Key : WER.Process.Version
    Value: 12.0.6828.0

    FILE_IN_CAB: SQLDump0011.mdmp

    COMMENT: Stack Trace




    CONTEXT: (.ecxr)
    rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000
    rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
    rip=0000000000000000 rsp=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000
    r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000
    r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
    r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
    iopl=0 nv up di pl nz na pe nc
    cs=0000 ss=0000 ds=0000 es=0000 fs=0000 gs=0000 efl=00000000
    00000000`00000000 ?? ???
    Resetting default scope

    EXCEPTION_RECORD: (.exr -1)
    ExceptionAddress: 00007ffd84fa74a3 (sqllang!stackTrace+0x0000000000000103)
    ExceptionCode: 00002000
    ExceptionFlags: 00000000
    NumberParameters: 1
    Parameter[0]: 00000056715dce80

    PROCESS_NAME: sqlservr.exe

    ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0x2000 - <Unable to get error code text>


    EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 00000056715dce80

    0000000000000000 0000000000000000 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 : 0x0

    STACK_COMMAND: ~0s; .ecxr ; kb

    SYMBOL_NAME: sqllang!stackTrace+103

    MODULE_NAME: sqllang

    IMAGE_NAME: sqllang.dll

    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: APPLICATION_FAULT_2000_sqllang.dll!stackTrace

    OS_VERSION: 10.0.22000.1

    BUILDLAB_STR: co_release


    OSNAME: Windows 10

    IMAGE_VERSION: 2019.150.4316.3

    FAILURE_ID_HASH: {8ce6b7a3-c5c8-29f7-d70a-4f41f768a70f}

    Followup: MachineOwner


    Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.755 AMD64
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Loading Dump File [D:\zz\SQLDump0012.mdmp]
    Comment: 'Stack Trace'
    Comment: 'Non-yielding Scheduler'
    Comment: '<Identity><Element key="BranchName" val="sql2019_rtm_qfe-cu22"/><Element key="OfficialBuild" val="true"/><Element key="BuildFlavor" val="Release (GoldenBits)"/><Element key="QBuildGuid" val="3b45ad97-2717-c53b-4b90-aecbb3566466"/><Element key="QBuildSyncChangeset" val="8df6747b9e0bb1f4cb7fd03548e4a908db2817da"/></Identity>'
    User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

    Symbol search path is: srv*
    Executable search path is:
    Windows 10 Version 22000 MP (36 procs) Free x64
    Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS
    Edition build lab: 22000.1.amd64fre.co_release.210604-1628
    Machine Name:
    Debug session time: Mon Aug 28 17:44:12.000 2023 (UTC + 2:00)
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:12:15.873
    Process Uptime: 0 days 0:12:07.000

    Loading unloaded module list
    This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
    The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
    (1660.2494): Unknown exception - code 00000000 (first/second chance not available)
    For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
    00007ffb`edda3cb4 c3 ret
    0:029> !analyze -v
    * *
    * Exception Analysis *
    * *

    Cannot find frame 0x33, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x3e, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x51, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x53, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x53, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x33, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x3e, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x51, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x121, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x121, previous scope unchanged
    Cannot find frame 0x121, previous scope unchanged


    Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 376077

    Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisManager
    Value: Create

    Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 452665

    Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 1640

    Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 11432

    Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 623

    Key : CLR.BuiltBy
    Value: NET481REL1LAST_B

    Key : CLR.Engine
    Value: CLR

    Key : CLR.Version
    Value: 4.8.9167.0

    Key : Timeline.OS.Boot.DeltaSec
    Value: 735

    Key : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec
    Value: 727

    Key : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: co_release

    Key : WER.OS.Timestamp
    Value: 2021-06-04T16:28:00Z

    Key : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.22000.1

    Key : WER.Process.Version
    Value: 2019.150.4322.2

    FILE_IN_CAB: SQLDump0012.mdmp

    COMMENT: Stack Trace




    CONTEXT: (.ecxr)
    rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000
    rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
    rip=0000000000000000 rsp=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000
    r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000
    r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
    r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
    iopl=0 nv up di pl nz na pe nc
    cs=0000 ss=0000 ds=0000 es=0000 fs=0000 gs=0000 efl=00000000
    00000000`00000000 ?? ???
    Resetting default scope

    EXCEPTION_RECORD: (.exr -1)
    ExceptionAddress: 00007ffbc24bf850 (sqllang!stackTrace+0x0000000000000100)
    ExceptionCode: 00000000
    ExceptionFlags: 00000000
    NumberParameters: 0

    PROCESS_NAME: sqlservr.exe

    FAULTING_THREAD: 00002494

    0000000000000000 0000000000000000 sqlservr.exe!unknown_error_in_process+0x0
    0000000000000000 0000000000000000 unknown![.ecxr]+0x0
    00000024cf1db918 00007ffbedda3cb4 ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0x0
    00000024cf1db920 00007ffbeb7a0e9e KERNELBASE!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x0
    00000024cf1db9c0 00007ff67992bcde sqlservr!CDmpDump::InvokeSqlDumper+0x0
    00000024cf1dbac0 00007ff67992ba53 sqlservr!CDmpDump::DumpInternal+0x0
    00000024cf1dbb70 00007ff67992b754 sqlservr!CDmpDump::Dump+0x0
    00000024cf1dbbb0 00007ffbc1851a33 sqllang!SQLDumperLibraryInvoke+0x0
    00000024cf1dbbf0 00007ffbc24f46c5 sqllang!SQLLangDumperLibraryInvoke+0x0
    00000024cf1dbcb0 00007ffbc24f5556 sqllang!CImageHelper::DoMiniDump+0x0
    00000024cf1dbed0 00007ffbc24c0192 sqllang!stackTrace+0x0
    00000024cf1dd8f0 00007ff679903eb5 sqlservr!SQL_SOSNonYieldSchedulerCallback+0x0
    00000024cf1fdb90 00007ffbc0dd7dc0 sqldk!SOS_OS::ExecuteNonYieldSchedulerCallbacks+0x0
    00000024cf1fde40 00007ffbc0dae77b sqldk!SOS_Scheduler::ExecuteNonYieldSchedulerCallbacks+0x0
    00000024cf1fe020 00007ffbc0d436bd sqldk!SchedulerMonitor::CheckScheduler+0x0
    00000024cf1fe1c0 00007ffbc0d42d42 sqldk!SchedulerMonitor::CheckSchedulers+0x0
    00000024cf1feb30 00007ffbc0d425e2 sqldk!SchedulerMonitor::Run+0x0
    00000024cf1fec30 00007ffbc0e45e19 sqldk!SchedulerMonitor::EntryPoint+0x0
    00000024cf1fec60 00007ffbc0d39e63 sqldk!SOS_Task::Param::Execute+0x0
    00000024cf1ff260 00007ffbc0d3a4af sqldk!SOS_Scheduler::RunTask+0x0
    00000024cf1ff2d0 00007ffbc0d3a06e sqldk!SOS_Scheduler::ProcessTasks+0x0
    00000024cf1ff3f0 00007ffbc0d5a8b2 sqldk!SchedulerManager::WorkerEntryPoint+0x0
    00000024cf1ff4c0 00007ffbc0d5b6f4 sqldk!SystemThreadDispatcher::ProcessWorker+0x0
    00000024cf1ff7c0 00007ffbc0d5b458 sqldk!SchedulerManager::ThreadEntryPoint+0x0
    00000024cf1ff8b0 00007ffbed0155a0 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0
    00000024cf1ff8e0 00007ffbedd0485b ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x0

    SYMBOL_NAME: sqlservr!CDmpDump::InvokeSqlDumper+1ee

    MODULE_NAME: sqlservr

    IMAGE_NAME: sqlservr.exe

    STACK_COMMAND: .ecxr ; kb ; ** Pseudo Context ** Pseudo ** Value: ffffffff ** ; kb



    OS_VERSION: 10.0.22000.1

    BUILDLAB_STR: co_release


    OSNAME: Windows 10

    IMAGE_VERSION: 2019.150.4322.2

    FAILURE_ID_HASH: {e8ca9172-a26f-0b44-bad0-8d46f5d9350b}

    Followup: MachineOwner

    Txt file connect with mdump files

    BugCheck Dump

    This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server
    version 15.0.4316.3
    upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,
    the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and
    the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

    Computer type is Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz.
    Bios Version is DELL - 1072009
    72 X64 level 8664, 10 Mhz processor (s).
    Windows NT 10.0 Build 22000 CSD .

    MemoryLoad = 21%
    Total Physical = 130992 MB
    Available Physical = 103310 MB
    Total Page File = 150448 MB
    Available Page File = 120079 MB
    Total Virtual = 134217727 MB
    Available Virtual = 134051413 MB
    **Dump thread - spid = 0, EC = 0x0000000000000000
    ***Stack Dump being sent to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLSERVER2019\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump0010.txt
    * *******************************************************************************
    * 08/28/23 03:04:56 spid 9528
    * Non-yielding Scheduler
    * *******************************************************************************
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Short Stack Dump
    BugCheck Dump

    This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server
    version 15.0.4322.2
    upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,
    the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and
    the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

    Computer type is Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz.
    Bios Version is DELL - 1072009
    72 X64 level 8664, 10 Mhz processor (s).
    Windows NT 10.0 Build 22000 CSD .

    MemoryLoad = 7%
    Total Physical = 130992 MB
    Available Physical = 120668 MB
    Total Page File = 150448 MB
    Available Page File = 137396 MB
    Total Virtual = 134217727 MB
    Available Virtual = 134051527 MB
    **Dump thread - spid = 0, EC = 0x0000000000000000
    ***Stack Dump being sent to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLSERVER2019\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump0012.txt
    * *******************************************************************************
    * 08/28/23 17:44:10 spid 9364
    * Non-yielding Scheduler
    * *******************************************************************************
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Short Stack Dump
















  • Raise a ticket with Microsoft, they have all the proper tools needed to diagnose the dumps and find out whats causing the issue.

  • Windows 11 PRO???  You need to have a Windows Server.  I'm surprised that your SQL Standard Edition even runs on that desktop edition.

    TBH, I'm thinking it might be automatic reboots due to Windows Updates on the desktop version.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • IOCP = I/O (disk) Completion Port - After SQL Server makes an asynchronous storage request to the host OS, the OS will return data and notifications through the I/O Completion Port

    A Non-Yielding Scheduler is a SQL Server thread (called a Scheduler in SQL Server's User Mode Scheduling architecture) spinning on CPU and refusing to yield. ('Yield': the thread suspends its actions, records a wait state, and allows another thread to use the CPU.)

    Normally, when a thread cannot get a resource it needs (such as a lock on a row), the thread exits and waits until it gets the resource. There are cases where this does not happen, and it's a problem, so you get a stack dump. Note that Non-Yielding Scheduler problems are usually caused by factors outside the SQL Server instance.

    Looks like a SQL Server thread was waiting for I/O and refused to yield. You will see the same results during a 'stuck' I/O operation - SQL made a disk call that's taking too long to respond, and it's not responding in the normal 'disk is just slow right now' way.

    As mentioned above, the cause is often outside of SQL Server. I would check the entire path between SQL Server and all of its storage, whether that's internal storage cards or external storage. This is happening monthly. Was a SAN getting patched? Is there a monthly failover of switches between the server and its storage? If it's in a cluster, check what other things were going on in the cluster at the time. If it's a VM, check the hypervisor and its storage, etc., etc., etc.

    If it looks like it's happening on a schedule, then go look for a matching schedule elsewhere in your system.

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • OK guys. Thank you for suggestions.

    Why I installed SQL Server Standard on Windows 11 PRO.

    We are trade company and using ERP software on this PC.

    SQL Database of this ERP software reached 1GB so accordance with the licensing rules for this software we must to change SQL Express version to SQL Standard version. We don't need spend more money for Windows Server CAL's etc. because for us the only thing which we need is supporting database bigger then 1GB. We have only dozen users. Buying SQL Server it was too expensive.

    I will check if this problem made some Windows Updates. I will freeze all updates for 5 weeks (more then 30 days).

    Only mode thing. We have 2 companies.

    Old company have PC with SQL Server Standard 2019 with database which reached 1GB (problem is here).

    New company have exactly the same PC and configuration with SQL Express Edition 2019 with small database 0,4GB.

    Problem is only with SQL database in old company even all hardware and software configurations of both PC's are the same.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  sirius98.
  • I am curious if the task prioritization and quantum in Windows 11 that are different in Windows Server.

    Desktop operating systems typically implement shorter quanta to make interactive applications seem more responsive while sacrificing some processor time efficiency. Desktop operating systems also give a priority boost to foreground applications that may interfere with SQL - if you are using the machine interactively that runs SQL - stop.

    You could try increasing the quantum to match what it is set on Windows server and modify the foreground process prioritization.

    But seriously, get a server. The cost of license for a single SQL server, windows license and hardware, is completely irrelevant compared to the cost of labor for 12 people in a single pay period, let alone over the 4-7 years the SQL server will be in production.

  • Also, I could be mistaken, but I am fairly confident that SQL Express handles up to 10 GB Databases, not 1 GB... and quick google confirmed this:

    So, for a cost savings plan, you could drop the SQL Server license and buy a windows server license to host the SQL instance. Then provide copies of the software to the 20 end users to use and connect back to the SQL Server. No User CAL's required that way.

    About the yielding issue, was that happening when you were on express as well?

    I would check if the antivirus is locking the mdf or ldf file too or if an automated defrag process is scheduled (probably not for an SSD... at least shouldn't be). Not certain that is the issue, but I'd start by looking at the scheduled tasks.

    How I'd set it up is to have SQL running on server A and application running on local user machines OR have the app on the Win 11 Pro machine you have sitting there. No User CAL required, just need some hardware for the Windows Server to run on and that could even be virtualized (Azure, AWS, etc), or you could pick up a cheap desktop computer to run the server. With 20 users hitting the system, you don't need anything beefy and with the cost savings of switching to SQL Express, you may even end up with extra money in the end!

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • This might also be worth looking at:


  • Yes sure I made this changes according this manual few days ago.

    We need to wait for results till 26-28 of September. Every day right know database works fine.

    By the way. Yes I set ESET to not check all SQL folders.

    I need to confirm that on this server works only for this database. Not other tasks or users on this PC. Users connect from their programs to this SQL database.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  sirius98.
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Today  26th of  September  problem happen again with the message

    Process 0:0:0 (0x3f64) Worker 0x0000020289FB8160 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 21. Thread creation time: 13340206857857. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 2765 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%%. System Idle 93%%. Interval: 73443 ms.

    and next message is

    Error package, type 0
    Event name: SQLException64
    Answer: Not available
    CAB file ID: 0

    Problem signature:
    P1: sqlservr.exe
    P3: 0000000000000000
    P4: sqllang.dll
    P5: 2019.150.4322.2
    P6: 0000000064C32653
    P7: 0
    P8: 000000000100F850
    P9: 0000000000000158

    and next messages are

    Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'RABALL_MAG'.
    Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'RABALL_MAG'.
    Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'RABALL_MAG'.
    Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'RABALL_MAG'.
    Setting database option RECOVERY to SIMPLE for database 'RABALL_UPDATE'.

    and then database generated DUMP file like every month, hang for some users and right know works fine.

    This are last events on databes before dump.

    2023-09-26 00:00:06.47 spid39s     This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 5728 since 23.09.2023 12:09:14 (local) 23.09.2023 10:09:14 (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
    2023-09-26 01:00:02.75 spid86 Error: 18204, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2023-09-26 01:00:02.75 spid86 BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_0100.ape' failed to open. Operating system error 2(Nie mo|na odnalez okre[lonego pliku.).
    2023-09-26 01:00:38.82 Backup Database backed up. Database: REBALL_MAG, creation date(time): 2023/03/11(17:40:27), pages dumped: 1017746, first LSN: 92717:6696:1, last LSN: 92717:6720:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_0100.ape'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2023-09-26 01:00:38.84 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1017626 pages in 35.939 seconds (221.213 MB/sec).
    2023-09-26 04:11:02.91 spid67 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 04:11:02.91 spid67 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 05:32:48.62 spid66 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 05:32:48.62 spid66 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:07:14.09 spid94 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:07:14.09 spid94 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:10:43.19 spid108 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:10:43.20 spid108 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:12:25.11 spid132 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:12:25.11 spid132 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:23:13.28 spid120 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:23:13.28 spid120 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:30:02.37 spid153 Error: 18204, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2023-09-26 06:30:02.37 spid153 BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_JPK_20230926_0630.ape' failed to open. Operating system error 2(Nie mo|na odnalez okre[lonego pliku.).
    2023-09-26 06:30:02.46 Backup Database backed up. Database: REBALL_MAG_JPK, creation date(time): 2023/05/24(18:52:52), pages dumped: 3339, first LSN: 53:3208:1, last LSN: 53:3232:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_JPK_20230926_0630.ape'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2023-09-26 06:30:02.47 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 3162 pages in 0.058 seconds (425.848 MB/sec).
    2023-09-26 06:41:24.07 spid176 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 06:41:24.07 spid176 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 07:00:02.40 spid195 Error: 18204, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2023-09-26 07:00:02.40 spid195 BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_0700.ape' failed to open. Operating system error 2(Nie mo|na odnalez okre[lonego pliku.).
    2023-09-26 07:00:38.49 Backup Database backed up. Database: REBALL_MAG, creation date(time): 2023/03/11(17:40:27), pages dumped: 1020434, first LSN: 92737:16:110, last LSN: 92737:80:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_0700.ape'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2023-09-26 07:00:38.50 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1020372 pages in 35.971 seconds (221.613 MB/sec).
    2023-09-26 07:03:58.11 spid205 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 07:03:58.11 spid205 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 08:09:13.13 spid157 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 08:09:13.13 spid157 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 08:19:49.99 spid149 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 08:19:49.99 spid149 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 08:32:28.01 spid218 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 08:32:28.01 spid218 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 09:04:23.87 spid245 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 09:04:23.87 spid245 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 10:00:02.78 spid212 Error: 18204, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2023-09-26 10:00:02.78 spid212 BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_1000.ape' failed to open. Operating system error 2(Nie mo|na odnalez okre[lonego pliku.).
    2023-09-26 10:00:38.99 Backup Database backed up. Database: REBALL_MAG, creation date(time): 2023/03/11(17:40:27), pages dumped: 1021594, first LSN: 92746:1656:284, last LSN: 92746:1792:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_1000.ape'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2023-09-26 10:00:39.00 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1021449 pages in 36.049 seconds (221.367 MB/sec).
    2023-09-26 12:11:28.47 spid246 Setting database option AUTO_CLOSE to OFF for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 12:11:28.47 spid246 Setting database option PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM for database 'REBALL_MAG'.
    2023-09-26 13:00:02.80 spid310 Error: 18204, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2023-09-26 13:00:02.80 spid310 BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_1300.ape' failed to open. Operating system error 2(Nie mo|na odnalez okre[lonego pliku.).
    2023-09-26 13:00:38.84 Backup Database backed up. Database: REBALL_MAG, creation date(time): 2023/03/11(17:40:27), pages dumped: 1019282, first LSN: 92750:10176:13, last LSN: 92750:10200:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_1300.ape'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2023-09-26 13:00:38.85 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1019130 pages in 35.941 seconds (221.528 MB/sec).
    2023-09-26 16:00:02.81 spid64 Error: 18204, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2023-09-26 16:00:02.81 spid64 BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_1600.ape' failed to open. Operating system error 2(Nie mo|na odnalez okre[lonego pliku.).
    2023-09-26 16:00:39.27 Backup Database backed up. Database: REBALL_MAG, creation date(time): 2023/03/11(17:40:27), pages dumped: 1020434, first LSN: 92752:2208:103, last LSN: 92752:2272:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'E:\backup\re0100\wapro\Archiwum_REBALL_MAG_20230926_1600.ape'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2023-09-26 16:00:39.29 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1020276 pages in 36.366 seconds (219.185 MB/sec).
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server CImageHelper::Init () Version-specific dbghelp.dll is not used
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server ***Unable to get thread context for spid 0
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server * *******************************************************************************
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server *
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server * BEGIN STACK DUMP:
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server * 09/26/23 16:13:06 spid 9668
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server *
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server * Non-yielding Scheduler
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server *
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server * *******************************************************************************
    2023-09-26 16:13:06.32 Server Stack Signature for the dump is 0x0000000000000158
    2023-09-26 16:14:10.60 Server Timeout waiting for external dump process 17012.

    2023-09-26 16:14:10.60 Server Process 0:0:0 (0x3f64) Worker 0x0000020289FB8160 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 21. Thread creation time: 13340206857857. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 2765 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle 93%. Interval: 73443 ms.

    Any ideas? During last months works perfect.

    Some problems with sqllang.dll or dbghelp.dll ?

    Exactly the same problem somebody have here on SQL Server 2019

    but our database have Cumulative Update 22 but this problem according this case should be solved in CU14?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
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  • Yesterday i didn't restart database like I do every month. Today morning there was so many mesages error "Non-yielding Scheduler " and users can not login to database so I restarted it. Right know works fine. I also disabled permanently Extended Serveces for next month according this information

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  sirius98.
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  • Open a case with MSFT and send them the dumps to analyse whats going on.


    Although this is worrying

    2023-09-26 16:14:10.60 Server      Timeout waiting for external dump process 17012.

    Looks like something is getting in the way of SQLDumper.exe, do you have anything like CrowdStrike, Bit9, CarbonBlack, McAfee etc etc loaded on the server also?

  • Ok thanks you for suggestions.

    No I don't have such this software like CrowdStrike, Bit9, CarbonBlack, McAfee.

  • Probably a dumb question, but is there anything interesting in the windows event logs apart from the "application" log? What I mean is, is there anything interesting under System or security or setup or application and service logs (the sub-items in there)?

    Also, is there a reason you are turning off auto-close and changing page verify to checksum all the time like that? That feels like it should be a "set once" type operation, not a "repeated operation" to me...

    Plus, anything in the windows task scheduler that MAY be causing issues?

    If you can clone this system and isolate it, I would be interested to hear if you can force the problem to reoccur on the test environment by doing things like:

    A- run all WINDOWS scheduled tasks that are scheduled to run around when this is failing

    B- run all SQL scheduled tasks that are scheduled to run around when this is failing (looks like backups?)

    C- run a scan with your antivirus/anti-malware against the cloned system with the same settings as live

    Another advantage to cloning and isolating it to a new VM (if possible) is that you will be able to rule out 3rd party applications like SQL Monitor (not sure what other 3rd party tools you have). MAY be able to use the clone to narrow down what 3rd party tool is causing the issue (if it is a 3rd party tool).

    I am still leaning towards it being some scheduled process (chkdsk, defrag, antivirus, etc) since this is happening only towards the end of the month. And if it is a scheduled process outside of SQL Server, Microsoft may not be able to help.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

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