no return from stored procedure

  • I have a stored proc that creates a temp table then is supposed to return the table with a select statement

    It works in query analyzer

    But after creating the procedure and running it from an access project it says no results where returned


    this is the code copied from the stored procedure


    any help would be great









    CREATE        Procedure dbo.SPDenGrads


             @TimesToRun int

            ,@listofValues nvarchar (100)





    set nocount on


    -- declars local variables @n counter for string funtion

    --@x is out put of string funtion to DensityGrad SP

    declare @n int

            ,@x int


    set @n = 0


    --drops and creats temp table

    --drop table #T


    Create Table #Tdg

            (place real

            ,den float

            ,Block_ID nvarchar (15)


    --starts loop

    while @TimesToRun > 0




    -- taks out put of string funtion

    set  @x = (dbo.udf_GetValueFromList( @listOfValues , @n ))


    --inserts the output of DensityGrad SP to temp table

    Insert #Tdg (place ,den ,block_ID)

    execute dbo.DensityGrad @x


    --moves up counters

    set @TimesToRun = @TimesToRun - 1

    set @n = @n + 1


    --stops while loop





    --outputs data from temp table

    select place




    from #Tdg











    Cory McRae

  • RIght off I don't see anything specific. However try removing the return at the end as it isn't needed for your case and see if maybe that is someho related???

    Also, have you watched it with Profiler while running to see if maybe anything unsual such you trying to use the temp table name somewhere else in the other SP. I did that once to myself and never got data because in my internal most SP I used the same temp tabel name it checked to drop and ended up dropping the outer one. Ran fine then dropped the inner one but I neevr got an error. That is vaguely what caused it and there was a bit more to how it got by but not knowing what is in the other SP I am only guessing.

  • I ran into a similar problem with a stored proc being run from my application.  Like yours, it worked in query analyzer and returned results...but nothing was displayed in my datagrid.  As it turned was a permissions problem.  I am using sql authentication and it turned out that I forgot to grant EXECUTE privileges to the stored proc for this sql user.  The weird thing, to me, was that no error or message indicating that the user didn't have rights to this stored proc.  Not sure if your problem is the same...but  thought I'd toss this out.


  • I had the same thing happen to me in regular ASP on Fri.  Worked OK in QA, error in ASP page was that the recordset (thru ADO) wasn't being opened.  checking "rs.EOF" returned an error.  Turned out that I had chopped out the SET NOCOUNT ON.  Once I put that back it worked fine.  I see you have it, might want to comment it out and give it a shot.  BTW, it doesn't look like you ever do drop your temp table...

  • Thanks for all the replies

    I tried getting rid of the return statement same results


    I am using windows permissions and it is a local SQL server so permissions should not be a problem


    I have tried running it with “set nocount on” in and out same results


    Excuse my lack of knowledge but I am not sure how to use some of the trouble shooting methods used  checking "rs.EOF" returned an error


    Also this is the only temp table for all the stored procedures that are called


    I have tried using ##tdg and that did not help either. 


    Are there any other ideas I am trying to run it from an access 2000 project on the same physical computer that the SQL server is on.  That same Access project runs other stored procedures fine.

  • I suggest you to simplify the SP to isolate the problem. Just create a physical table with same column names and fill it with some dummy data to see whether it works with Access. Depending on the results we can actually start trouble shooting this in a different way.

    If it's working fine I would like to see The Exact SQL called by the Access App (Profiler output).

    I just want to see the parameter values you have passed in with Access app.

  • I broke it down and this is what I found but still don’t know why it is not working


    If I create a SP like this







    CREATE     Procedure test1



    set nocount on

     Create Table #Tdg

            (place real

            ,den float

            ,Block_ID nvarchar (15)


    Insert #Tdg

    values (1 , 3.22,999999)


    select * from #tdg




    every thing works fine I get the table with one recod returnd


    if I create a SP like this







    CREATE     Procedure test1



    set nocount on


    Create Table #Tdg

            (place real

            ,den float

            ,Block_ID nvarchar (15)



    Insert #Tdg

    execute dbo.DensityGrad '217989'


    select * from #tdg


    I get the same MSG as before the SP completed successfully but returned no results


    Both work fine in query analyzer and the SP I call here I can run in the access project by itself and it works fine


    Would it matter if the return table from the nested stored procedure had the same column names as the temp table?


    All of the data types line up I checked that out all ready


    Cory Lee McRae

  • does dbo.DensityGrad have SET NOCOUNT On ?

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  • dbo.densityGrad did not have nocount on but it does now and same results (Does not return any records).  Thanks for all the pointers I think we will get this eventually

    Cory Lee McRae

  • Thanks for the comments I would have liked to solve this problem but dead lines being what they are I just got rid of the nested SP and made it one big confusing SP it works but not the easiest to read.  Any way I hope some one figures out how to make this work it might be handy to use from time to time


    Cory Lee McRae

  • Hi,

    Just wanted to let you know, that whenever a SP that creates a table, is executed via an Access project.  The SP always states that "no rows were returned" when in actuallity, it worked just fine.

    Good luck,



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