New SQL SERVER Registration of a remote server usi

  • Hi,

    We have 3 sql servers @ 3 locations, each has unique ip address. I've installed SQL SERVER 2000 Deveoper edition & trying to create New sql server registration in enterprise manager. But, it always says server not found. I'm using Administrator user & pwd to connect. Am I doing something wrong or those servers not configured properly. Please HELP.

    Thanks, Saci.

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  • can you ping the destination server from the server you attempting you SQL connection? Have you tried to use: serverip, 1433 for a connection?

    Hope this helps.

  • I can ping the ip address of the other sql servers. But have NO LUCK configuring as new serer registration in EM.

    Thanks, Saci.

  • Can you ping the server name? Try to register them with ip address instead of server name.

  • I put the ip address in HOSTS file & still I get "SQL Server does not exist" message. Here is what I'm doing in EM;

    1. Right click on a Server Group.

    2. Select "New Server Registration"

    3. Next

    4. Under "Available Servers" I don't see the server name I want to connect. So I put the ip address of the server & click "ADD"

    5. SQL server login info

    6. put user: sa & password

    5. select the group name I want & next

    6. Finish

    7. It gives a message "SERVER NAME - SQL Server does not exist or access denied.|ConnectionOpen (Connect()"

    Is there something I have to configure on the server side.

    Please let me know.

    Thanks, Saci.

  • (This is my first post here).

    I wanted to get in this thread because I have had both success and failure doing the same thing.

    I have two remote clients. On each I installed MSDE 2000 in Winodws authentication mode.

    The first server is NT4.

    On my local network, my userid and password that I use to log on in my office, matches the NT4 logon.

    I can sucessfully use EM to connect to that SQL server. FTR, it has a dot-com domain name that I use.

    However, the other box is Windows 2K server. No matter what I try I cannot connect to it with EM. I have checked the firewall and opened TCP and UDP ports 1433. It also has the same user login and password but it does not have a domain... I contact it through the IP number. I can see its web server. I'm not getting enough info back to know why I can't get through (SQL server does not exist or access denied).

    Any ideas??

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