New SQL 2012 Instance - CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied)

  • Hello All,

    I've installed SQL 2012 Enterprise on a new Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine. I'm getting the CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied) msg 5123 when I try to create a database on any drive other than the default sql installation drive I specified during the install which is the E:\.

    I want my data files to go on the F:\ and logs to the G:\. I set the SQL services to run under a domain account, NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER and LOCAL SYSTEM. All with explicit permissions to the F:\ and G:\ but it will not create any database files other than the E:\. All are VMWARE virtual disks.

    A few things I've tried so far....

    1. Run SSMS as an Administrator.

    2. Added the domain account as a local admin.

    3. Right click the F:\MSSQL and G:\MSSQL folders and verified all the accounts I tested have full control.

    4. Disabled User Access Control settings.

    Anyone have any knowledge if VMware disks or other OS settings could be blocking? I can create folders/files on these disks fine but SQL Server will not write to them even though I see the service account listed with full control.

  • Try explicitly granting the service account Full Control to the folder on the new drive, rather than the root of the drive. I believe, even if a login has full control to the root, the OS still (tries to) pop up a UAC prompt.

  • Issue still going on. Disabled inheritable permissions from the F:\MSSQL folder and verified the explicit permissions with full control. Still OS Access is denied error.

  • So are you services running on a\account or the builtins?

    Have you tried changing them to an AD account? like\sqlservices?

  • I've tried using AD domain account, the default virtual account NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER and Local System. None of them will write anywhere but to the installation drive.

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